oDesk Spanish To English Translation Skills Test Answers 2015
Translate the following
Question:"¿Qué podría decir acerca de usted su comida favorita?"
Ans: a) What can your
favorite foods say about you?
Translate the following
Question:"¿Se cayó la cuchara al suelo?"
Ans: a) Did the spoon fall
under the floor?
Translate the following
question:"El autobús va a Delhi."
Ans: c) The bus is going to
Translate the following sentence:
"Cuando se trata de vino -
cuanto más, mejor"
Ans: b) When it comes to
wine – the more the better!
Translate the following sentence:
"Esa es la segunda vez que le he
dicho eso."
Ans: d) That’s the second
time I’ve told you that.
Translate the following sentence:
"La pera es un tipo de
Ans: c) The pear is a type
of fruit.
Translate the following sentence:
"Me gustaría aprender
Ans: c) I would like to
learn Italian.
Translate the following sentence:
"Si te levantas tarde, perderás
el tren."
Ans: b) If you get up late,
you will miss the train.
Translate the following sentence:
"¡Relájate! El combustible será
comprado esta noche."
Ans: d) Relax! The fuel
will be bought this evening.
Translate the following sentence:
"Alicia dijo que iría al
Ans: b) Alicia said that
she would go to the gym.
Translate the following sentence:
"Antonio se quejó de que le
dolía el brazo."
Ans: b) Antonio complained
that his arm hurt.
Translate the following sentence:
"Bromeé que ella lo abofetearía
si él la besaba."
Ans: e) I joked that she
would slap him if he kissed her.
Translate the following sentence:
"Bucear es uno de los deportes
más peligrosos."
Ans: e) Diving is one of
the most dangerous sports.
Translate the following sentence:
"Carlitos es el mejor jugador de
cricket del mundo."
Ans: a) Carlitos is the
best cricketer in the world.
Translate the following sentence:
"Clara va allí todos los
Ans: a) Clara goes there
every day.
Translate the following sentence:
"Cruz vio cortinas en cada
Ans: b) Cruz saw curtains
in every window.
Translate the following sentence:
"Dame el de mango
Ans: a) Give me one with the
yellow handle.
Translate the following sentence:
"Debería haber llegado
Ans: b) I should have
arrived yesterday.
Translate the following sentence:
"Después de haber escrito la
tarjeta, fue a la pista de bolos."
Ans: a) Having written the
letter, he went to the bowling alley.
Translate the following sentence:
"Dijo que enviaría una
Ans: c) He said that he
would send a postcard.
Translate the following sentence:
"El amor al dinero es el origen
de todos los males."
Ans: d) The lover of money
is the root of all evil.
Translate the following sentence:
"Él le informó que le daría un
coche nuevo."
Ans: e) He informed him
that he would give him a new car.
Translate the following sentence:
"Él nos visitará durante treinta
a cuarenta días."
Ans: c) He will be visiting
us for thirty to forty days.
Translate the following sentence:
"Él se rompió el brazo jugando
fútbol americano."
Ans: c) He broke his arm
playing football.
Translate the following sentence:
"Ella dijo que no iría a casa si
la lluvia paraba."
Ans: She said that she
wouldn’t go home if the train stopped.
Translate the following sentence:
"En esa época trabajaba como
Ans: b) At that time she
worked as a nurse.
Translate the following sentence:
"Escríbeme todos los días.”
Ans: a) Write me every day.
Translate the following sentence:
"Estábamos caminando por la
colina que llevaba al campamento de los rebeldes."
Ans: e) None of the above.
Translate the following sentence:
"Este niño es el más alto de la
Ans: b) This child is the
tallest in the school.
Translate the following sentence:
"Felipe es un deportista
Ans: b) Felipe is a
talented athlete.
Translate the following sentence:
"He estado trabajando allí
durante dos meses."
Ans: a) I have been working
there for two months.
Translate the following sentence:
"La disculpa fue escrita el
Ans: a) The apology was
posted on Sunday.
Translate the following sentence:
"La propuesta de matrimonio fue
recibida ayer por la noche."
Ans: b) The offer of
marriage was received yesterday evening.
Translate the following sentence:
"La regla más importante es no
tocar la pared."
Ans: a) The most important
rule is not to touch the wall.
Translate the following sentence:
"Le di el rubí que me
Ans: e) I gave him the ruby
that was stolen from me.
Translate the following sentence:
"Lorenzo se desempeñó como mayor
en la Fuerza Aérea."
Ans: d) Lorenzo served as a
major in the air Force.
Translate the following sentence:
"Lucía habló con los hombres que
habían regresado de la fábrica."
Ans: b) Lucy talked with
the men who had returned from the factory.
Translate the following sentence:
"No podía decidir a dónde
Ans: b) I couldn’t decide
where to go.
Translate the following sentence:
"No tengo suficiente dinero."
Ans: d) I don’t have enough
Translate the following sentence:
"Pensé que sería divertido ir a
dar un paseo en bicicleta."
Ans: a) I thought it would
be fun to go for s bicycle ride.
Translate the following sentence:
"Si llueve, me pondré una
Ans: a) If it rains, I will put on a
Translate the following sentence:
"Todos los aperitivos habían
sido comidos para cuando Raoul llegó."
Ans: b) All the appetizers
were eaten after Raoul left.
Translate the following sentence:
"Viggo quería que su ejército
luchara valientemente."
Ans: d) Viggo wanted
his army fought bravely.
Translate the following statement:
"¡Imagínese lo que sucedió
Ans: b) Imagine
what happened then!
Translate the following statement:
"Esa silla es suya, pero esta
es mía."
Ans: d) That
chair is yours, but this is
Translate the following statement:
"Fernando caminaba suavemente
alrededor del jardín."
Ans: c) Fernando
walked gently around the garden.
Translate the following statement:
"Más que todo, uno debe
conocerse bien a sí mismo."
Ans: a) Most
of all, one must know oneself
Which are accurate translations of
the following sentence:"Dame los zapatos que compré ayer."
1.Give me the shoes I bought
2.Give me the shoe which I bought yesterday.
3.Give me the shoes that I bought
4.Give me the shoe what I bought
Ans: c) 1 and 3 only.
Which are correct translations of the
following sentence:"Penélope tiene que ayudar a su madre cada
1.Penelope has to help her mother on
2.Penelope has to help her mother on
3.Penelope has to help her mother
every Saturdays.
4.Penelope has to help her mother
this Saturday.
5.Penelope has to help her mother
each Saturday.
Ans: b) 2 only
Which are correct translations
of:"¿Cuántos primos tienes?"
1.How many cousins do you have?
2.How many cousins have you got?
3.How many cousins you now have?
4.How many cousins you have got?
5.How many cousins got you?
Ans: a) 1 only
Which is an accurate modern
translation of: "¿Puedes jugar tenis el próximo viernes?"
Ans: b) Can
you play tennis next Friday?
Which is an accurate modern
translation of:"¿Encontraste el cuarto de lavandería?"
Ans: d) Did
you find the laundry room?
Which is an accurate translation of
the following statement:
"Emilio caminó descalzo por el
Ans: d) Emilio
walked barefoot through
the woods.
Which is the correct translation of
the following sentence for a formal document:"¿A quién debo darle el
Ans: b) Who should
I give the award?
Which is the correct translation of
the following sentence:"Cortez le dijo a su jefe que estaba enfermo."
Ans: Cortez told
his boss that he was ill.
Which is
the correct translation of the following sentence:"Logramos salvar el
Ans: We succeeded in saving
the bird.
Which is
the correct translation of the following sentence:"Usted y yo fuimos a
reunirnos con ellos."
Ans: d) You and I went to meet
Which is
the correct translation of:"¿Crees que está diciendo la verdad?"
Ans: d) You are thinking that she is telling the truth?
Which of
the following are accurate translations of the following sentence:"Mi
madre tiene un fuerte amor por la moda."
mother has a strong love of fashion.
mother has a strong love for fashionable clothes.
mother has a strong love for fashion.
mother has a strong love with fashions.
5.My mother has a strong love towards fashion.
Ans: c) My mother has a strong
love for fashion.
Which of
the following are accurate translations of:"Al día siguiente, Diego
felicitó a todo el mundo."
next day Diego congratulated everyone.
congratulated everyone the next day.
following day Diego congratulated everyone.
congratulated everyone the day after.
Ans: 1 and 3
Which of
the following translations are correct:"Chico dio el diccionario a sus
gave a brother the dictionary.
gave the dictionary to his brothers.
gave to his brother dictionary.
gave to brother the dictionary.
gave his brothers a dictionary each.
gave dictionary to his brother.
Ans: a) 2 only.
Which of
the following translations of the following sentence are accurate:"Me
senté en el suelo."
1.I sat
down on the floor.
2.I sat
down beside the floor.
3.I sat
down by the floors.
4.I sat
down behind the floor.
5.I sat
up from the floor.
Ans: a) 1 only
Which of
the following translations of the following sentence are
correct?"Charmaine vivió allí durante ocho semanas."
lived here during eight weeks.
lived there eight weeks.
lived there for eight weeks.
4.Charmaine lived here less than eight weeks.
4.Charmaine lived here less than eight weeks.
moved there for eight weeks.
Ans: a) 3 only
Which of
the following translations of this sentence are accurate: "Leí la revista
que Angela trajo."
1.I read
the magazine brought by Angela.
2.I read
the magazine bought by Angela.
3.I read
the magazine which Angela brought.
4.I read
the magazine which brought Angela.
5.I read
the magazine which was bought by Angela.
Ans: b) 4 only
Which of
the following translations of this sentence are accurate:"Ella estará
lista en diez minutos, a menos que alguien me telefonee."
will be ready in ten minutes, unless someone telephones me.
will be ready within ten minutes, unless someone telephones me.
will be ready in ten minutes' time, unless someone telephones me.
will be ready within ten minutes' time, unless someone telephones me. 5.She
will be ready after ten minutes, unless someone telephones me.
Ans: a) 1 and 2 only
Which of
the following translations of this sentence are correct:"El bibliotecario
decidió que ella tendría que ganar algún dinero extra."
librarian arranged that she'll have to earn some money.
librarian decided that she'll be having to earn some extra money.
librarian decided that she'd have to earn some extra money.
librarian decided that she would have to earn some extra money.
5. The
librarian decided that he would need to earn extra money.
Ans: b) 3 and 4 only
Which of the following translations
of this sentence are correct:"Sasha sugirió ir al cine."
1.Sasha suggested that they go to the
2.Sasha claimed that they went to the
3.Sasha suggested going to the
4.Sasha claimed that we are going to
the cinema.
Ans: c) 3 only