Elance Twitter (Development) Test Answers

What does API stand for?
Application Programming Interface
Application Post Interface
Application Programming Integer
Application Product Interface

True of False? There is a limit to how many calls and changes you can make in a day.

Twitter servers prefer to respond in JSON format.
Both C and D
True only when using a Twitter account as login creditials for another site or app.
True only when working with single user profiles.

Which of these are not APIs that Twitter offers?
Search API
Java API
Streaming API

Which parameter is a comma-separated list of longitude,latitude pairs specifying a set of bounding boxes to filter Tweets by?

The Twitter API is not meant for use in mobile/smart phone applications
Only for serving authenticated users.
Only with special permission from Twitter.

What does the field "possibly_sensitive" denote, in regards to tweets?
The user the tweet originated from has a potentially at risk operating system
The URL contained in a tweet may contain content identified as sensitive
The number of times a tweet has been retweeted
The photo in the link will only be hosted for a short period of time

Why would you want to connect to the API through SSL?
It preserves user privacy by protecting information between the user and the API
It allows for a much richer app creation experience
It creates a much faster connection than you would otherwise create
You wouldn't, connecting through SSL is not recommended

What types of character-encoding is accepted by the Twitter API?
US-ASCII (7 bit unit)

What does Twitter use for character encoding?

True or False? The "page" parameter begins on 1, not 0.

True or False? It is a best practice to always store user passwords?

True of False? Search queries need to be authenticated in version 1.1.

What does the field "created_at" denote, in regards to tweets?
The UTC time when a tweet was created
The physical coordinates where a tweet was created
The scheduled time a tweet will send
This is not a valid field

What does GET search/tweets return?
Returns a single Tweet, specified by the id parameter
Returns information allowing the creation of an embedded representation of a Tweet on third party sites.
Returns a collection of up to 100 user IDs belonging to users who have retweeted the tweet specified by the id parameter.
Returns a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query

Which of these is NOT an example of a Twitter card?

How are rate limits determined on the Streaming API?
You set the rate limit when constructing the app
There is no rate cap
The limit is determined by the popularity and traffic generated by your app
The public streaming APIs cap the number of messages sent to your client to a small fraction of the total volume of Tweets at any given moment

What is the purpose of embeddable timelines?
You cannot embed timelines
Allow you to exceed the 140 character limit
Reduce the overall footprint of your app
Syndicate any public timeline to your website

What purpose does twitter.com/intent/retweet serve?
Removes a tweet from the user's timeline.
Updates and repost a specific tweet instance
Allow users to post an existing tweet to their own profile.
Refetch the most recently fetched tweet data. Usually for error handling

Which parameter, when set to the string true, will cause periodic messages to be delivered if the client is in danger of being disconnected?

What does REST stand for?
Roaming Ethernet State Test
Representational State Transfer
Really Simple Timeline
Recreational Symbol Transfer

What is an Embedded Tweet?
Saving information about a tweet to an internal database.
A method of placing tweets inside of other tweets
Using the information from a tweet on the server.
Device independant HTML with optional JavaScript and web intents

What is CURL frequently used for?
Testing web applications and communication with the API
Preventing spam and bots, like CAPTCHA
Setting up secure connections, like HTTPS
Running error code diagnostics

Twitter API uses signatures for some forms of authenticated requests. Signatures must maintain compatibility with what ?
Twitter Snowflake
OpenGraph API

Which API allows allows access to the nouns and verbs of Twitter such as reading timelines, tweeting, and following?
The Streaming API
The PLATform API
The Ads API

How do I walk a timeline by date or time?
GET statuses/user_timeline.
There are no explicit methods to do so. Use since_id and max_id to consume a timeline linearly
GET statuses/home_timeline
GET statuses/mentions

When do Twitter's OAuth 1.1A access tokens expire?
This is set by the end-user
After 100 requests
After seven days
There is no explicit expiration datetime attached to them.

How should you Check CRLs and the OCSP status?
Ensure that your application or SSL library is configured to force verification
Use the OAuth 1.5 access tokens
Sanitize your parameters before creating the statements
Set your application to accept the Twitter certificate first

What does it mean to "tweet" a blog article?
A user viewing a blog article clicks on the tweet button. The user must sign in to their Twitter account if they are logged on. Users are then presented with options to share the URL with their follows.
A user viewing a blog article click on the tweet button. The Twitter API connects to the application provider's Twitter account through the API key and the URL gets +1 votes or 'tweets'.
The document.ready event has just been raised by a user viewing a blog article. The Twitter API connects to the application provider's Twitter account through the API key presenting the user with an interactive advertisement, or "tweet".
A user viewing a blog article reach the end of the article. The user must sign in to their Twitter account if they are logged on. Users are then presented with option to comment directly on the article, or "tweet", using their Twitter account.

How should connection errors be handled?
Keep an encrypted log of users who continually have issues for future testing
Instruct your user to set up a proxy
Immediately contact Twitter about an expired certificate
Return a descriptive error message to the user

True or False? the API only allows for one, Twitter approved, Tweet Button design.

What action can help avoid rate limits?
Place all advertisements in specialized containers sharing common screen space.
Allow users to "opt-in" to your application, waiving fee limits.
Send users to your Twitter profile instead of using the Follow button.
Place the API result in a cache.

An entity result has the following value for the "hashtag" property: "hashtags":[{"indices":[32,36],"text":"lol"}] What does this value mean?
The user has 36 total tweets. Out of these, the user has added the #lol hashtag to user tweet 32.
This result has invalid JSON and will not parse.
The user commented in the lol topic stream. The parser found #lol between the 32nd and 36th characters in the user's tweet.
Indices are values used as reference pointers in databases. The content of the hashtag is "lol".

Twitter was originally developed using what programming framework?
Ruby on Rails

What are Twitter Cards
They provide simple interfaces for most Twitter functionality.
They allow websites to generate copy and paste-able HTML markup to render a Tweet on any website.
They make it possible for you to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content.
They make it possible to display public timelines on your website with a single line of code.

Which of these methods could you employ to avoid being rate limited?
Prioritize active users
All of these
Adapt to the search results

In what format does the API return error messages?
None of these

If you want to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content, which Twitter Platform tool do you use?
Twitter Cards
Embedded Tweets
Twitter Buttons
Embedded Timelines

Rate limits are what?
A limit on the visibility and frequency of advertisements in the same window as the Twitter app stream.
A limit on how many requests Twitter's API servers will accept in a given timeframe.
A limit on how much a user may be charged for applications using the Twitter API.
A limit on the amount of interactions, such as Tweet or Follow, initiated by users in an application.

What does in_reply_to_status_id_str do?
If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the integer representation of the original Tweet's ID.
If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the string representation of the original Tweet's ID.
If the represented Tweet is a retweet, this field will contain the screen name of the original Tweet's author
Details the Tweet ID of the user's own retweet (if existent) of this Tweet.

What is the Search API limit?
3000 queries per 30 minute window
1000 queries per hour
180 queries per 15 minute window
There is no limit

After validating your network and code, what should you do before anything else if you are having connection difficulties?
Check Twitter's developer site for useful status information.
Contact your project manager for authorization to submit a help ticket.
Switch to using the REST API.
Immediately contact Twitter support staff. Support charges may be associated to your application's API key.

When storing a numeric Twitter user id in an 3rd party database, what type should the value be?
32 bit, unsigned integer
32 bit, signed integer
64 bit integer
SQL enum

What is the Twitter supplied cipher default?

When consuming the API using JSON, it is important to always use which field instead of "id?"

Non-space separated languages, such as CJK and Arabic, are supported by the Streaming API

How can you prevent SQL injection attacks?
Make sure you are using the latest version of the Twitter API
Using parametrized input to create statements
Having a double opt-in feature set up before using the app
Change the rate limit parameters

What are endpoints ?
The final step during user authentication.
Structured URLs to Twitter API web services
A JSON formatted string sometimes appended to the end of API return values.
Special tweets suggesting the application cease to load new tweets from a timeline.

The Twitter API is entirely based on which protocol?

How do I properly navigate a timeline?
GET statuses/home_timeline
GET statuses/mentions
All of these
GET statuses/user_timeline.

When are links wrapped with t.co?
Links will be wrapped when Twitter receives a tweet using POST links/update or a direct message using POST links/new.
Links will be wrapped when Twitter receives a tweet using POST url/update or a direct message using POST url/new.
Links will be wrapped when Twitter receives a tweet using POST wrap_url/update or a direct message using POST wrap_url/new.
Links will be wrapped when Twitter receives a tweet using POST statuses/update or a direct message using POST direct_messages/new.

How do you add the "Tweet This" button to your website?
Paste the URL into a blog post on your website
Put your URL in a tweet
Paste the Twitter logo onto the home page of your website
Paste the official Twitter generated code snippet into the appropriate section of your website's HTML code

True or False? Site Streams does NOT offer the ability to track real-time "searches" on public tweets, mixed in with the "me feed."

Do web intents require JavaScript?
No, you should not use JavaScript due to performance loss.
Yes, unless the user has already used your application and retains a cookie.
No, but JavaScript enhances their delivery
Yes, web intents always require JavaScript.

Which of these is not one of the principles enforced by Twitter's rules which developers must follow?
Don't surprise users
Respect user privacy
Don't use the Twitter API for commercial applications.
Don't create or distribute spam

What does the REST API enable?
It is a suite of products that enables websites to easily integrate Twitter. Ideal for site developers looking to quickly and easily integrate very basic Twitter function.
Enables developers to access some of the core primitives of Twitter including timelines, status updates, and user information
Allows a user to query for Twitter content. This may include finding a set of tweets with specific keywords, finding tweets referencing a specific user, or finding tweets from a particular user.

How do you count favorites?
Use count_fav
Use the id_fav object
Use GET favorites/show/id
Favorite counts aren't available throughout the API at this time

What purpose does twitter.com/intent/favorite serve?
Updates the user's profile, allowing them to track a tweet as one of their favorites.
Fetches the list of a user's favorite profiles.
Delivers a list of the user's current favorite tweets.
Allows users to mark another user profile as on of their favorites.

Authenticating using signatures means using what kind of encryption?
None, the signature is not encrypted but only encoded in base64.

Which of these are NOT supported Web Intent languages?

How can a developer solve the redundant API call problem when fetching Tweets in a timeline?
Use the max_id parameter
Use the stall_warning parameter
Use the filter_tweets parameter
Use the count parameter

What does in_reply_to_user_id_str do?
If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the integer representation of the original Tweet's ID.
If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the string representation of the original Tweet's author ID
Details the Tweet ID of the user's own retweet (if existent) of this Tweet.
If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the string representation of the original Tweet's ID.

What is a Player Card?
A special type of response from the Twitter API servers.
A tweet with embedded media such as video or audio.
A shareable badge given to Twitter users through select sites and applications.
A virtual item used in Twitter apps to display an online gaming profile.

Which of these parts make up the Twitter API?
All of these
Two REST APIs and a Streaming API
One POSIX API and two Streaming APIs
One Semantic Web API

What must occur for every occurance of a Twitter stream?
Pull batches of tweets from defined Twitter profile.
Using a modal, obtain the user's authorization to access their Twitter account.
Connection to twitter is opened, begin listening to stream.
Deliver the viewer the Twitter API instance cookie.

Using asynchronous JavaScript is an advantage in which situation?
Display elements require what the user sees to be delivered before starting any process.
Display elements require the user's interaction with a session to happen out of any order.
The user refreshes a page
A new user initiates their first session.

When reconnecting to a streaming endpoint, elevated access clients may include the _______ parameter to attempt to backfill missed messages which occurred during the disconnect period.

Opening more than one connection to a public endpoint will cause what to happen?
Previous connections are closed.
The API key used to open the connection will be banned.
Usage charges for your application's Twitter account will increase.
The Twitter server will start a multi-threaded connection handler.

Where does streaming occur?
(none of these)
Between a user and your HTTP server
Between your HTTP server and Twitter's API servers
Between a user and Twitter's API servers

Why wont results containing the withheld_copyright property set to true deliver the contents of any tweet?
The user has placed a non-free license on the content.
There has been a DCMA request against the content.
Both B & D
The user has set a flag in their account settings.

Using synchronous JavaScript is an advantage in which situation?
A display element containing data from the Twitter API requires you to reply with an API key.
A display element containing data from the Twitter API contains error information.
A display element containing data from the Twitter API is loaded dynamically using AJAX
A display element containing data from the Twitter API is featured in the users view.

When should you get a user's permission for using tweet content?
All of these
Using their content on a commercial good or product
Using content in a manner that is inconsistent with Twitter's display requirements
When implying sponsorship or endorsement on behalf of the user

What is Snowflake?
A service Twitter uses to generate unique Tweet IDs
A service you can use to enhance the aesthetic design of your app
The programming language framework the API is built on
The project codename for the next version of the API

What does PHP use for SSL communication?

What is cursoring?
The process of making subsequent API calls redundant because each call fetches new Tweets plus Tweets the application has fetched in previous calls.
Reading a timeline relative to the IDs of the newest Tweets in the timeline, so the application can fetch the most up-to-date information.
Reading a timeline relative to the IDs of Tweets it has already processed
Reading an entire timeline in two requests by setting a page size of 5 elements and requesting the first page, then the second page.

Which of these is not part of the REST API?
GET statuses/sample
POST update/account
POST favorites/destroy
GET statuses/firehose

What is the query parameter for the share tweet url that, if set to true, will prevent twitter from returning tailored content to your users?

Which parameter controls the types of messages delivered to User and Site Streams client

What is the string "source"?
Indicates whether this Tweet has been retweeted by the authenticating user.
A set of key-value pairs indicating the intended contextual delivery of the containing Tweet
Utility used to post the Tweet, as an HTML-formatted string
The user who posted this Tweet

Which of these are -not- properties the tweet box may access?

Whic parameter is a comma-separated list of user IDs, indicating the users whose Tweets should be delivered on the stream?

The Twitter API v 1.1 requires all applications to authenticate all of their requests with OAuth 1.0a

How do you get Whitelisted?
Operate for a minimum of six months without a complaint from users
REST & Search API Whitelisting is not provided
Apply to the Whitelist Program and pay a small fee if accepted
Whitelisting was allowed in version 1 but not 1.1

What will the follow parameter NOT return
Tweets mentioning the user (e.g. “Hello @twitterapi!”).
Manual replies, created without pressing a reply button (e.g. “@twitterapi I agree”).
Tweets which are retweeted by the user.
Replies to any Tweet created by the user.

How long are t.co links?
HTTP-based t.co links are 22 chars long
Charachter length is calculated based on the length of the underlying link.
HTTP-based t.co links are 20 chars long
HTTP-based t.co links are 140 chars long

When a user authenticates, which logic applies?
You must display the user's avatar, user name, and the designated Twitter icon
Your application has the option of showing a user's avatar, name or one of many Twitter graphics. Often what to show is decided by the user's interaction.
Your application is allowed to make unlimited, automated tweets on behalf of the user.
You must notify the user that they are now using security features, using a 550x400 popup window.

Twitter Platform objects include
Tweets, Users, Entities, Places
Users, Follower Relationships, Retweets, Places
Actors, Applications, Objects, Entities
Tweets, Users, Actions, Objects

If the "suppress_response_code" parameter is present, how will all responses be returned?
That is not a valid parameter
With a 200 OK status code
With the appropriate HTTP header
With a 404 error

What standards does the Twitter API 1.1 support?

What does the current_user_retweet object do?
If the represented Tweet is a retweet, this field will contain the screen name of the original Tweet's author
Surfaces entities which have been parsed out of the text of the Tweet
A collection of brief user objects (usually only one) indicating users who contributed to the authorship of the tweet, on behalf of the official tweet author.
Details the Tweet ID of the user's own retweet (if existent) of this Tweet.

Which of the following are NOT Streaming API request parameters?

To ensure a website is accompanied by a Twitter Card when tweeted, developers must what?
Include and validate page-level metadata.
Add specific schema.org hinting for content.
Provide a callback function for the API in the head section of any HTML document.
Implement "rich snippets" on all shareable pages.

When should HTML be filtered out?
When you're noticing an unexpected spike in errors
When it isn't needed for some user-facing form
Only when the user requests it
Never, filtering HTML will cause your app to fail

What are public streams?
Twitter does not offer public streaming.
Contain roughly all of the data corresponding with a single user's view of Twitter.
Suitable for following specific users or topics, and data mining.
Intended for servers which must connect to Twitter on behalf of many users.

Which parameter is a comma-separated list of phrases which will be used to determine what Tweets will be delivered on the stream?

True or False? Embedded objects are stale and inaccurate.