Elance German-English Translation Test Answers

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Angesichts der Krise, fühlen sich die Italiener immer unsicherer.
In the face of the crisis, Italians feel less and less secure.
In the face of the crisis, the Italians always felt less secure.
Facing the crisis, the Italian always felt less secure.
Faced with the crisis, the Italians feel more and more insecure.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Man schätzt, dass bis 1552 rund ein Zehntel der Bevölkerung von Lissabon aus schwarz-afrikanischen Sklaven bestand.
One estimates, that until 1552, about one-tenth of the population of Lisbon consisted of black African slaves.
It is estimated that until 1552, about one-tenth of the population of Lisbon consisted of black African slaves.
It is estimated that by 1552, about one-tenth of the population of Lisbon consisted of black African slaves.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Kalifornien dürfte zudem ein Ziel für Hochzeitstouristen werden, da dort anders als in Massachusetts auch Homosexuelle aus anderen Bundesstaaten heiraten dürfen.
California might also become a target for marriage tourists, because there, different than in Massachusetts, even homosexuals from other federal states are allowed to marry.
California might well also become a destination for wedding tourists because there, unlike in Massachusetts, also homosexuals from other states are allowed to marry.
California may well also become a destination for marriage tourists because the state, unlike Massachusetts, also allows homosexuals from other states to marry there.
California was also allowed to become a goal for marriage tourists because there other than in Massachusetts even homosexuals from other countries are allowed to marry.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Man untersagte ihm auch künftig allen Zugang zu staatlichen Unterlagen.
Also in future he wasn’t allowed to have any access to state documents.
He was going to be denied the access to all state-owned documents.
He was even forbidden to any access to governmental documents.
He was forbidden any future access to state documents.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Nach Massachusetts ist Kalifornien der zweite US-Bundesstaat, der Partnerschaften von Homosexuellen der Ehe zwischen Mann und Frau vollkommen gleichstellt.
After Massachusetts, California is the second US-state, that makes partnerships between homosexuals completely the same as the marriage between man and woman.
After Massachusetts, California is the second U.S.-state to make partnership between homosexuals completely equal to the marriage between men and women.
To Massachusetts, California is the second U.S. state that completely makes partnerships of homosexuals of the marriage between men and women the same.
After Massachusetts, California is the second U.S. state to make partnership between homosexuals completely equal to marriage between men and women.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Es gibt keine militärische Intervention in Syrien, und darf auch keine geben weil sie die Lage noch schlimmer machen würde.
There is no and there must be no military intervention in Syria as it would even worsen the situation.
There is no military intervention in Syria, and that’s why there shouldn’t be one, the intervention would make the situation worse.
There has been and there will be no military intervention in Syria because it would exacerbate the situation.
There is no military intervention in Syria and there must be none because it would make the situation even worse.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Gefährdet dieses Video bei uns also tatsächlich den öffentlichen Frieden?
Does this video that we also made really threaten the public freedom?
Endangers this video by us really the open freedom?
So does this video really endanger public peace here?
So does this video here really endanger the open peace?

In the following passage, what is the old man afraid of? Ich sage, ich kannte diesen ächzenden Laut gut. Ich wußte, was der alte Mann fühlte, und ich bemitleidete ihn, obschon ich innerlich kicherte. Ich wußte, daß er wach gelegen, schon seit dem ersten schwachen Geräusch, das ihn aufgeschreckt hatte. Seitdem war seine Angst von Minute zu gewachsen. Er hatte versucht, sie als grundlos anzusehen, aber es gelang ihm nicht. Er hatte sich gesagt: »Es ist weiter nichts als der Wind im Schornstein«, oder: »Es ist nur eine Maus, die durchs Zimmer läuft«, oder: »Es ist nur eine Grille, die ein einziges Mal gezirpt hat.« Ja,er hatte versucht, sich mit diesen Vermutungen zu beruhigen; aber es war alles vergebens gewesen. Alles vergebens, weil der nahende Tod schon vor ihn hingetreten war und sein Opfer mit schwarzem Schatten umhüllte. Und die dunkle Gewalt des unsichtbaren Schattens war es, die ihn – obschon er weder sah noch hörte – fühlen ließ, daß mein Kopf im Zimmer war.
A cricket which made a single chirp
The wind in the chimney
A mouse crossing the floor
That my head was in the room.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Fast könnte man sich freuen, dass wir unser Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit so billig haben können.
One could have almost been happy that our right to free speech comes so cheap.
One could almost be happy that our right to free speech comes so cheaply.
Fast men could be happy, that we can have our right on opinion freedom so cheap.
A man could almost be happy, that we can have such a cheap right to freedom of opinion.

Ha! wäre ein Wahnsinniger wohl so weise vorgegangen? Und dann, wenn ich meinen Kopf glücklich im Zimmer hatte, öffnete ich vorsichtig die Laterne – oh, so vorsichtig! Ganz sachte, denn die Scharniere kreischten, öffnete ich sie so weit, daß ein einziger feiner Strahl auf das Geierauge fiel. Und das tat ich sieben Nächte lang, jede Nacht gerade um Mitternacht. Aber ich fand das Auge immer geschlossen, und so war es unmöglich, das Werk zu vollenden; denn es war nicht der alte Mann, der mich ärgerte, sondern sein Scheelauge. Und jeden Morgen, wenn der Tag anbrach, ging ich kühn zu ihm hinein und sprach mit ihm. Ich nannte ihn munter und herzlich beim Namen und fragte ihn, ob er eine gute Nacht verbracht habe. Ihr seht also, er hätte wirklich ein sehr schlauer Mann sein müssen, um zu vermuten, daß ich allnächtlich um zwölf Uhr, während er schlief, zu ihm hereinsah. When does the narrator open the lantern?
When his head is in the room.
When day breaks
When the old man's eye has closed
When the old man is asleep

Ich habe auch immer dafürgehalten, daß Pistolenschießen unbedingt ein im Freien auszuübender Zeitvertreib bleiben sollte; und wenn Holmes sich in einer seiner wunderlichen Launen mit der Waffe und hundert Patronen in einen Sessel setzte und daranging, die gegenüberliegende Wand mit einem patriotischen V. R. aus Einschußlöchern zu verzieren, so hatte ich stark das Gefühl, daß dies weder die Atmosphäre noch das Aussehen unseres Zimmers veredelte. Which statement is true?
The narrator believes that guns should not be shot outdoors.
The narrator feels that shooting holes in the wall does not refine the room's atmosphere or its appearance.
The narrator believes the appearance of the room was improved by the patterns Holmes made on the wall.
The narrator believes that Holmes' designs are patriotic.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Natürlich wissen alle, dass Cameron die Rede eigentlich nicht hat halten wollen.
Of course all know, that Cameron really didn’t want to hold the talk.
Of course everyone really knows that Cameron did not want to give the speech.
Naturally, everyone knows, that Cameron had not wanted to really hold the speech.
Of course everyone knows that Cameron didn’t really want to give the speech.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Im Radio erzählt jemand, dass er sein Haus verloren hat.
On the radio, someone says that he lost his house.
In the radio, someone said that he lost his house.
In the radio, someone says how he has lost his house.
On the radio, someone said how he lost his house.

Ich werde ein Auto kaufen.
I am going to buy a car.
I will be buying a car.
I want to buy a car.
I would like to buy a car.
I will buy this car.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Je mehr einer weiß desto unzuverlässiger ist er.
The more a person knows, the less reliable he is.
The more one knows the unreliabler he is.
The more he knows the more he is unreliable.
The more a person knows, the less he is reliable.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Wenn ich auf der Straße stehe und Geschenke verteile, werden die Leute mich lieben.
When I stand on the street and separate presents, the people will love me.
If I stand on the street and distribute presents, the people will love me.
If I stand above the street and distribute presents, the people will love me.
If I stood on the street and distributed presents, the people would love me.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Noch vor 24 Stunden hätte ich meinen Mitbürgern vorgeworfen, dass sie kein Verantwortungsgefühl haben.
Even before 24 hours, I had accused my fellow citizens, that they have no sense of responsibility.
Still 24 hours ago, I would have blamed my fellow citizens that they have no sense of responsibility.
Only 24 hours ago, I would have accused my fellow citizens of having no sense of responsibility.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Viele meiner Freunde haben in den vergangenen Jahren ihre Arbeit verloren.
Many of my friends have lost their jobs in the previous years.
Many of my friends in the past few years have lost their jobs.
Many of my friends have lost their jobs in the past few years.
Many of my friends have in the last years lost their work.

What vexes the narrator about the old man in the following passage? Ha! wäre ein Wahnsinniger wohl so weise vorgegangen? Und dann, wenn ich meinen Kopf glücklich im Zimmer hatte, öffnete ich vorsichtig die Laterne – oh, so vorsichtig! Ganz sachte, denn die Scharniere kreischten, öffnete ich sie so weit, daß ein einziger feiner Strahl auf das Geierauge fiel. Und das tat ich sieben Nächte lang, jede Nacht gerade um Mitternacht. Aber ich fand das Auge immer geschlossen, und so war es unmöglich, das Werk zu vollenden; denn es war nicht der alte Mann, der mich ärgerte, sondern sein Scheelauge. Und jeden Morgen, wenn der Tag anbrach, ging ich kühn zu ihm hinein und sprach mit ihm. Ich nannte ihn munter und herzlich beim Namen und fragte ihn, ob er eine gute Nacht verbracht habe. Ihr seht also, er hätte wirklich ein sehr schlauer Mann sein müssen, um zu vermuten, daß ich allnächtlich um zwölf Uhr, während er schlief, zu ihm hereinsah.
His bad breath
His evil eye
His loud voice
His uncharitable and nasty nature

Sie konnten aber die Stadt Bremen an einem Tag nicht erreichen und kamen abends in einen Wald, wo sie übernachten wollten. Der Esel und der Hund legten sich unter einen großen Baum, die Katze kletterte auf einen Ast, und der Hahn flog bis in den Wipfel, wo es am sichersten für ihn war. Who sat on a branch?
The donkey
The cat
The rooster
The mule

Als sie fertig waren, löschten sie das Licht aus, und jeder suchte sich eine Schlafstätte nach seinem Geschmack. Der Esel legte sich auf den Mist, der Hund hinter die Tür, die Katze auf den Herd bei der warmen Asche, und der Hahn flog auf das Dach hinauf. Und weil sie müde waren von ihrem langen Weg, schliefen sie bald ein. Where did "der Esel" lie down?
The hearth
The dungheap
The backyard
The kitchen floor

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Kalifornien scheint dem Thema gegenüber offener geworden zu sein.
California appears to become open to the topic.
California appears to have become more open about the issue.
California shines to become open to the theme.
California appears to become opener about the issue.

Please read the following passage: "Es war einmal ein Mann, der hatte einen Esel, welcher schon lange Jahre unverdrossen die Säcke in die Mühle getragen hatte. Nun aber gingen die Kräfte des Esels zu Ende, so dass er zur Arbeit nicht mehr taugte. Da dachte der Herr daran, ihn wegzugeben. Aber der Esel merkte, dass sein Herr etwas Böses im Sinn hatte, lief fort und machte sich auf den Weg nach Bremen. Dort, so meinte er, könnte er ja Stadtmusikant werden." Which statement is correct?
The donkey carried grain sacks to the mill.
The donkey pulled a wheel at the mill.
The donkey carried sacks of stones from the mine.
The mule carried sacks to the market.

Wie viel?
How then?
How much?
How many?
How come?

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: »Ich schätze jene TV-Experten, die beim Reden zögern «, fügt Tetlock hinzu.
“I like those TV-experts, who hesitate by talking”, Tetlock added.
“I like those TV experts, who hesitate when the talk”, Tetlock adds.
“I appreciate those TV experts who hesitate when they talk,” Tetlock adds.
“I appreciate those TV experts who hesitate when they talk”, Tetlock added.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Zum Wesen der Provokation gehört die Übertreibung und die Normverletzung.
Exaggeration and norm violations belong to the nature of provocation.
The nature of provocation includes exaggeration and violation of norms.
Provocations always exaggerate and infringe rules.
A feature of provocation is exaggeration and the infringement of standards.

Wie viele?
How much?
How then?
Home come?
How many?

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Die alte Debatte über Integration, Islamismus und eine vermeintliche Meinungszensur flammt hierzulande wieder auf.
The worn-out debate about integration, Islamism, and an alleged thought control starts up again in this country.
The old debate about integration, Islamism, and alleged censorship is reigniting in this country.
The common debate about integration, Islam, and an alleged censorship of the freedom of opinion starts again here.
The old debate about integration, Islamism and supposed thought control will reinflame in this country.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Die Arbeitsmarktreform hat bisher keine neuen Arbeitsplätze geschaffen.
The labor market reform has, up to now, created no new jobs.
The labor market reform has created no new jobs so far.
The reform of the work market has previously created no new work places.
The work market reform created many new jobs so far.

Please read the following passage: "Es war einmal ein Mann, der hatte einen Esel, welcher schon lange Jahre unverdrossen die Säcke in die Mühle getragen hatte. Nun aber gingen die Kräfte des Esels zu Ende, so dass er zur Arbeit nicht mehr taugte. Da dachte der Herr daran, ihn wegzugeben. Aber der Esel merkte, dass sein Herr etwas Böses im Sinn hatte, lief fort und machte sich auf den Weg nach Bremen. Dort, so meinte er, könnte er ja Stadtmusikant werden." Who had something evil in mind?
The mule
The donkey
The Hare
The man

Es freut mich, Sie kennen zu lernen
I like to learn about you
I like to learn about her
Pleased to meet her
I am happy about her
Pleased to meet you

Er ist betrunken!
He became drunk!
He is drunk!
He is drunken!
he got drunken!
He got drunk!

Wir treffen uns um halb vier.
Why are they meeting around four o'clock?
We are meeting up at half past three.
They are leaving us at four o'clock.
We are meeting up at four thirty.

Wenn er mit seiner Arbeit fertig ist, dann darf er spielen gehen.
He can go and play since he has finished his work.
If he has finished his work, he may then go and play.
There is no time for work and play.
If she finishes her work, she may go and play.

Was fuer Kleider zieht er heute Abend an ?
What was he wearing last night?
Will she wear those clothes tonight?
What kind of clothes is he wearing tonight?
What is he planning to do tonight?

Heute ist es stark bewoelkt.
It is very sunny today.
It is very cloudy today.
I cannot see any clouds today.
Today is not a good day.

Sehr geehrter Herr Weinberg
We respect you Mr. Weinberg.
Hi Mr. Weinberg!
Dear Mr. Weinberg
Dear Miss Weinberg

Ich möchte ein Auto kaufen.
I want to buy a car.
I will buy a car.
I am going to buy a car.
I wanted to buy a car.
I should buy a car.

Worum geht es in diesem Buch ?
I cannot find where I left the book.
Where is he going with that book?
Where is the  book?
What is the book about?

Es gefällt mir.
I likes it.
You like it.
I like it.
I don't likes it.

Obwohl es regnet, findet das Rennen trotzdem statt.
Although it isn't raining, there is still delay on the roads.
Because of the rain, the race is canceled.
Although it is raining, the race is nevertheless taking place.
Don't worry about the rain; just run!

Guten Morgen, Herr Goldstein !
Good evening, Mr. Goldstein!
Good morning, Miss Goldstein!
Hello Mr. Goldstein!
Good morning, Mr. Goldstein!

Muss ich hier links abbiegen ?
Do I have to turn left here?
Must I turn right here?
Must I turn around?
Do I just continue straight on?

Ich möchte...
I would like...
We want...
I need...
She wants...

Ich wünschte ich könnte besser skifahren.
I know how to ski.
I wish there were better skiing conditions.
They wished they could ski longer.
I wish I could ski better.

Viele Leute lieben Hunde.
Few people like dogs.
Dogs love humans.
Dogs and cats don't get along well.
Lots of people like dogs.


Wir haben...
We have...
I had...
I have...
We had...


Wie geht es Ihnen ?
How are you doing?
Why are they here?
What is she up to?
Where are you going?


Am Mittwoch muss ich zum Zahnartzt.
I need to leave at the latest by midday.
I need to go to the dentist on Wednesday.
Middle of the week is good for me.
I need to go to the dentist on Monday.

Nehmen wir an, dass er recht hat !
Let's not make any quick assumptions.
Let's assume that it could happen.
You cannot make that assumption.
Let's assume that he is right!

Ich haette gern ein Bier.
I would like a glass of wine.
Is there any beer left?
I don't like beer.
I would like a beer.


Wie lebten die Menschen in Europa im 18. Jahrhundert ?
What was going on in Europe in the Middle Ages?
How were people living in Europe in the 18th Century?
How were people living in Asia in the 18th Century?
What did you do on your 18th birthday?

Man braucht gute Schuhe, um in den Bergen zu wandern.
Children don't like to wear shoes.
You need to have a good sense of balance when you are in the mountains.
Matt wears good shoes when he goes hiking.
You need to have good shoes to hike in the mountains.

Es gefällt mir nicht.
I don't like it.
I like it.
I don't likes it.
I likes it.

Das kann ja nicht sein !
Yes, that must be it!
They cannot see!
That was quite something!
That cannot be!

Wie kommt man am schnellsten zum Bahnhof ?
What is the best way to get to the town square?
The trains are running late today.
What is the fastest way to get to the train station?
Is there an easier way to get to the train station? 

Kannst Du mir mehr über Dich erzählen?
Can you tell me a story?
Can you help me with something?
Can you tell me about this?
Can you help yourself?
Can you tell me more about you?

Es tut mir wirklich leid.
He doesn't really care.
It really hurts.
They are very sorry.
I am really sorry.

Mein Chef hat leider heute keine Zeit fuer dich.
My boss never has any time for anyone.
My boss unfortunately has no time for you today.
My boss will see you in a minute.
I am sorry I don't have much time for you today.

Ich hätte gern...
I'd like...
She'd like...
We'd like...
He'd like...

Heute gibt es Kuchen.
Where is the cake?
There is cake today.
They finished the cake.
There is no cake left.

Gestern war er sehr muede.
He was very tired yesterday.
War is very tiring.
They will be very tired tonight.
He might be tired later.

Max ist der groesste in seiner Klasse.
Max is the one with the most class.
This is the maximum weight allowed.
Max did great in his test.
Max is the tallest in his class.

"Welches?" is German for which question word?

Wo ist...?
Where is...?
Why is...?
What is...?
When is...?

Das ist gut.
It is fun.
It was fun.
That's good.
That was fun.

Seine Gesundheit ist viel besser geworden.
He never cared about his health.
He has always been very healthy.
His health has greatly improved.
His health has remained unchanged.

Morgen wird er gehen.
Margo is not leaving just yet.
Tomorrow there will be time.
He will leave tomorrow.
He already left.

Was ist das?
Is that?
What's that?
How 's that?
Why's that?


Ich habe...
You have...
I had...
We have...
I have...

Wir wollen...
I want...
We want...
You want...
They want...

Was halten Sie von ihm ?
Who do you think did it?
What are you waiting for?
What do you think of the whole situation?
What do you think of him?

Warum kommt Michael immer zu spaet an ?
Where can Michael be this late?
Why is Michael not coming today?
When is Michael going to be here?
Why does Michael always arrive late?

Wir sind...
We are....
I am...
I are...
They are...

Warten Sie bitte auf mich !
Please wait for your turn!
Please wait for them!
Could you please bring it to me?
Please wait for me!

Ich bin...
You are...
You am...
I am...
I are...

Ist der Tisch rund oder viereckig ?
Is it a large dog or a cow?
Is the table high or low?
A round table is nicer than a square one.
Is the table round or square?

Ich bin gluecklich, weil es nicht mehr regnet.
I am happy because the sun is back.
Will it rain again tonight?
He is happy if it doesn't rain again.
I am happy because it isn't raining anymore.

FC Bayern hat heute im Spiel gegen FC Basel mit 1:0 gewonnen.
FC Bayern played today in Basel.
FC Bayern won today 1:0 playing against FC Basel.
FC Bayern lost 1:0 playing against FC Basel.
FC Bayern and FC Basel both won in today's games.

Der Himmel ist blau.
It is overcast today.
I have the blues.
The sky is grey.
The sky is blue.

Ist es moeglich, mit dem Zug hinzufahren ?
Can we get there by walking?
Is it possible to travel there by train?
There cannot possibly be a train connection.
When does the train leave?

Herzliche Glueckwuensche zum Geburtstag !
When is your birthday?
He didn't make a wish on his birthday.
Let's drink to your good health!
Happy Birthday!

Wir gehen morgen einkaufen.
They will go shopping tomorrow.
We will go shopping tomorrow.
When do you want to go shopping?
We don't like to shop.

Ich will...
I want...
They want...
We want...
You want...

Wie gross ist das Haus ?
Can you find me a bigger house?
Is the house that big?
How big is the house?
The appartment is too big for me.

Peter schreibt einen Brief an seiner Schwester.
There is no writing paper left.
Peter doesn't like to write letters.
Peter is writing a letter to his sister.
My sister is writing a letter to Peter.

DIe Kinder spielen gern im Garten.
Why are there no children in the garden?
He doesn't like children.
The children like to play in the garden.
There are lots of children in the garden.

Als ich nach London kam, wohnte ich zuerst in der Montague Street, gleich um die Ecke beim Britischen Museum. Dort saß ich herum und wartete und füllte meine überreichlichen Mußestunden mit Studien in allen den Zweigen der Wissenschaften, die meine Tätigkeit effektiver machen konnten. Hin und wieder kamen mir Fälle über den Weg, hauptsächlich durch die Vermittlung ehemaliger Kommilitonen, denn während meiner letzten Jahre an der Universität hatte es dort eine Menge Erzählens über mich und meine Methoden gegeben. Der dritte dieser Fälle war der um das Ritual der Musgraves, und es ist auf das Interesse zurückzuführen, das die Kette jener außergewöhnlichen Ereignisse hervorrief, und auf die aus ihnen hervorgehenden weitreichenden Folgen, daß ich damit den ersten Schritt auf dem Weg zu der Stellung tat, die ich heute innehabe. Why did the narrator receive cases?
His rooms in Montague Street were just round the corner form the British Museum
He has established a lucrative connection
He was well studied in branches of science that made him more efficient
There was a good deal of talk about him and his methods.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence:A journalist writes the following about a speech that David Cameron had given the previous week: Der britische Premier hat aus der verfahrenen Situation, in die er sich zu einem Gutteil selbst hineinmanövriert hat, das Beste gemacht. Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of this sentence.
The british premiere has out of the messy situation in which he to a good part maneuvered himself into made the best.
The british Prime Minister has made the best out of the messy situation in which he himself maneuvered to a large degree.
The British Prime Minister made the best out of the messy situation into which he had, to a great degree, maneuvered himself.
The British Prime Minister made the best out of the messy situation, into which he had maneuvered himself to a great degree.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Robert Oppenheimer war nicht irgendwer, Robert Oppenheimer war der führende Atomwissenschaftler der USA.
Robert Oppenheimer was not anybody, Robert Oppenheimer was the leading atom scientist of the USA.
Robert Oppenheimer was not just anybody, Robert Oppenheimer was the leading atomic scientist of the U.S.A.
Robert Oppenheimer was not just anybody; Robert Oppenheimer was the U.S.A.’s leading atomic scientist.
Robert Oppenheimer was not anybody; Robert Oppenheimer was the U.S.A.’s leading atomic scientist.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Von den elf Millionen versklavten Afrikanern, die bis Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts aus Afrika gen Westen exportiert wurden, gelangte etwa eine halbe Million nach Nordamerika.
Of the eleven million enslaved Africans, who until the middle of the 19. century were exported from Africa to the West, about half a million wound up in North America.
Of the eleven million enslaved Africans who have been exported from Africa to the West by the middle of the 19th century, about half a million wound up in North America.
From the eleven million enslaved Africans who until the middle of the 19th century were exported from Africa to the West, about half a million wound up in North America.
Of the eleven million enslaved Africans who were exported from Africa to the West by the middle of the 19th century, about half a million wound up in North America.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Bereits ein halbes Jahrhundert bevor Kolumbus Amerika entdeckte, hatten die Portugiesen die transatlantische Sklaverei erfunden.
Half a century before Columbus discovered America, the Portuguese already invented transatlantic slavery.
Half a century before Columbus discovered America, the Portuguese had already invented transatlantic slavery.
Only half a century before Columbus discovered America, the Portuguese had invented transatlantic slavery.
Already half a century before Columbus discovered America, the Portuguese had invented the transatlantic slavery.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Niemanden lieben die Menschen dieser Welt so wie den Weihnachtsmann.
There is no one in this world that is being more loved by the people than Santa Claus.
The people of this world love nobody like Santa Claus.
Nobody loves the people of this world like Santa Claus.
Santa Claus loves the people of this world like nobody else.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Auch dürfte sich in den nächsten Jahren herausstellen, dass London mit seiner Ablehnung einer noch engeren Integration der Europäischen Gemeinschaft keineswegs allein dasteht.
In the next years it might also turn out, that London is in no way alone in its denial of an even tighter integration of the European Community.
In the next few years, it also might well turn out that London is by no means the only one to refuse further integration of the European Community.
Also in the next years it may turn out, that London with his rejection of even closer integration of the European Community does not at all stand there alone.
In the next few years, it also may well turn out London is by no means alone in its rejection of even tighter integration of the European Community.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Keiner versteht weniger Spaß als Kinder.
Nobody understands jokes less than children.
Nobody understood jokes as a child.
Nobody takes a joke worse than children do.
Nobody but children understands jokes.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Diese Diskussion wird mit einer typisch amerikanischen Arroganz geführt.
This discussion is held with typical American arrogance.
This discussion is lead with a typical american arrogance.
This discussion is led with a typical American arrogance.
This discussion is held with a typical american arrogance

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: In Kalifornien leben einer Studie zufolge 100.000 gleichgeschlechtliche Paare, von denen jedes zweite in den kommenden drei Jahren heiraten will.
In California lives a study of 100.000 same-sex pairs, of whom every second will marry in the coming three years.
According to a study, 100,000 same-sex pairs, half of whom intend to marry in the next three years, live in California.
According to a study, 100,000 same-sex pairs live in California, of which every second wants to marry in the next three years.
To live in California, study 100,000 same-sex pair, of whom ever other will marry in the coming three years.

In the quotation "Wir essen von den Früchten der Bäume im Garten; aber von den Baumes mitten im Garten hat Gott gesagt: Esset nicht davon, rühret's auch nicht an, daß ihr nicht sterbet." What changes were made from the original quotation by God to Adam? in 1. Mose 2,16-17 Luther (1912) "Du sollst essen von allerlei Bäumen im Garten; aber von dem Baum der Erkenntnis des Guten und Bösen sollst du nicht davon essen; denn welches Tages du davon issest, wirst du des Todes sterben."
Eve like a politician said we eat from the fruit of the trees, but did not say God said we should eat of the fruit of the trees of the Garden (in the English KJV left out "Freely"). Secondly she would not name the tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but refferred to it as "that tree". Finally, she added also not to touch it lest ye die as opposed to not to eat from it for in that day thou shalt surely die (spiritual death).
Eve like a politician said we eat from the fruit of the trees, but did not say God said we should eat of the fruit of the trees of the Garden (in the English KJV left out "Freely"). Finally, she added also not to touch it lest ye die as opposed to not to eat from it for in that day thou shalt surely die (spiritual death).
Eve would not name the tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but refferred to it as "that tree". Finally, she added also not to touch it lest ye die as opposed to not to eat from it for in that day thou shalt surely die (spiritual death).
Eve as a politician said we eat from the fruit of the trees, but did not say God said we should eat of the fruit of the trees of the Garden (in the English KJV left out "Freely"). Secondly she would not name the tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but refferred to it as "that tree". Finally, she added also not to touch it lest ye die.
Adam and Eve were astranged from talking to the snake. Eve like a politician said we eat from the fruit of the trees, but did not say God said we should eat of the fruit of the trees of the Garden (in the English KJV left out "Freely"). Secondly she would not name the tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but refferred to it as "that tree". Finally, she added also not to touch it lest ye die as opposed to not to eat from it for in that day thou shalt surely die (spiritual death).

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Assad geht inzwischen grausamer vor, als es Gaddafi tat.
Assad’s actions have come to be more cruel than Gaddafi’s were.
Assad is now acting more cruelly than Gaddafi did.
By now, Assad is treating his people in a more cruel way than Gaddafi ever did.
Now, Assad is taking even more gruesome actions than Gaddafi used to.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Um einen Kampf gegen die Sowjetunion ging es Oppenheimer nie.
Oppenheimer was never interested in a fight against the Soviet Union.
A war against the Soviet Union had never been Oppenheimer's desire.
Oppenheimer never wanted a fight against the Soviet Union.
For Oppenheimer, it was never about a struggle against the Soviet Union.

Choose the answer that provides the best English approximation of the following sentence: Die Bühne beherrschen immer die Pauken, nicht die Piccoloflöten.
It is always the timpani, which dominates the stage, and not the piccolos.
The timpani, not the piccolos, always dominate the stage.
The stage is always dominated by the timpani, not the piccolos.
The stage always dominates the timpani, not the piccolos.