Elance French To English Translation Test Answers
Où habitez-vous?
Where do you live?
What are your habits?
Whose habit is this?
Where do you wear your habit?
Which is the correct translation? Il faudra le
leur dire.
He will have to be told.
They will have to be told.
They must not be told.
They will have to tell.
Cette blanquette de veau est trop chaude.
This stewed veal is too hot.
This stewed veal is tough to chew.
This blanket is too hot.
This blanket is all chewed up.
La lecture m'a crevé d'ennui.
The lecture made me wish it would end.
The reading bored me to death.
The lecture bored me to tears.
The scolding got me where it hurts.
Je me suis perdu dans la librairie en
cherchant un roman de Jules Romain.
I got lost in the library while looking for a book
on Roman history.
I got lost in the bookstore while searching for a
book on Julius Caesar.
I lost money at the library while photocopying a
book by Jules Romain.
I got lost in the bookstore while looking for a
novel by Jules Romain.
He is scared
Il etait peur
Il a peur
Il est peur
Il a eu peur
Il a peu
Choose the best translation. "The taxi
will be waiting in front of the building at 9am."
Le taxi attendra derrière du bâtiment à 9h.
Le taxi attendra à côté du bâtiment à 9h.
Le taxi attendra devant le bâtiment à 9h.
Le taxi attendait devant le bâtiment à 9h.
Bien qu'il fasse sombre, la lampe de poche est
heureusement à ma portée.
Though he likes somber clothes, I happily prefer to
wear something flashy.
Although it's somber, the flash of lighting is heavy
at this hour.
Even though it's dark, the flashlight is
fortunately within my reach.
It's good that it's dark, for a flash of light
would make me scream.
Choose the best translation. " We will
have dinner with the Martins next Friday."
Nous allons visiter le Martins semaine prochaine.
Nous n'aurons pas la salle à manger avec Martins
vendredi prochain.
Nous dînerons avec les Martin vendredi prochain.
Nous avons dîné avec le Martins semaine dernière.
Mon crayon est cassé. Puis-je le tailler?
My cravat is loose. May I tie it?
My pencil is cracked. May I tape it together?
My crayon is broken. May I take another?
My pencil is broken. May I sharpen it?
Choose the best translation. "Lequel de
ces hommes est le patron?"
Which of those men is the priest?
Are those men the bosses?
How many bosses are men?
Which one of these men is the boss?
Choose the best translation. "Talk to
Amélie, she is the expert."
Regardez Amélie, elle travaille.
Discutez avec Amélie, elle est l'expert.
Il discute avec Amélie, elle est l'expert.
J'aime bien assis par Amélie, elle est l'expert.
L'avocat était clair: pas de photos à
l'interieur du tribunal.
The lawyer was in the clear: pictures helped him
convince the courtroom.
The lawyer was clear: no pictures inside the courtroom.
The lawyer had them: pictures were shown inside the
The lawyer was white: pictures taken in the
courtroom shows that.
Choose the best translation. "My class is
in the last building on the left."
Leur classe est dans le dernier bâtiment sur __la
Mon vol se trouve à la dernière terminale de
Je prends une classe dans ce bâtiment.
Ma classe est dans le dernier bâtiment à gauche.
Nous avons bien mangé cet après-midi.
We ate well this afternoon.
We enjoyed the afternoon tea.
Our eating left an aftertaste.
We managed well this afternoon.
Choose the best translation. "Allons au
parc après l'école."
Let's go to the park after school.
There's a school behind the park.
Let's go to school after the park.
There's a park behind the school.
Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un ici qui parle
Is there someone here who speaks English?
Are there some people who speak English?
Is there something with English written on?
Are there English letters somewhere?
Aujourd'hui je dois rester chez moi, car j'ai
un rhume.
Today I must stay at home, because I have a cold.
Today I'm going to stay home, because I have my own
Every day I take a nap in my chair, because I have
Today I'd like to stay on the seat of my car,
because it's very roomy.
Choose the best translation. "Is she
always late for work?"
Quand elle était en retard au travail?
À quelle heure at-elle pour aller travailler?
Est-ce qu'elle arrive toujours en retard au
Est-ce qu'elle a de se rendre au travail?
C'est fou à quel point je suis heureux de
travailler avec Jason!
It's wrong of me to work with Jason!
Jason is crazy to work with me!
I hate to see how happy Jason is!
It's crazy how happy I am to work with Jason!
I'm the queen of the world.
Je suis la reine du monde.
Je suis la reine des mots.
Je suis le roi du mot.
Je suis l'abeille mondaine.
Choose the best translation. "La maison a
été construite sur une colline."
The house will be built in one month.
The tree grew on the hill.
They built a house on a hill.
The house was built on a hill.
Choose the best translation. "Nous devons
trouver la clé."
The key must have disappeared.
We must use the key.
It suddenly became clear.
We must find the key.
Choose the best translation. "If it
rains, the game will be canceled."
S'il pleut, nous allons jouer le match.
Nous allons jouer sous la pluie.
S'il pleut, le match sera annulé.
S'il vous plaît jouer dans le match.
Choose the best translation. "A quelle
heure est la réunion?"
Is this the one hour meeting?
How many meetings are there?
What time is the meeting?
How long is the meeting?
Tu vas prendre du poids si tu manges autant de
You'll bring the body before the court if you can
manage it.
You'll see how fat you've grown if you look in the
Take yourself out of my sight right now.
You'll put on weight if you eat so much ice cream.
Choose the best translation. "Attendez,
ne partez pas!"
Wait, don't leave!
Look, it's leaving!
Listen, don't do it!
Watch out, don't move!
Il quitta l'école à midi pour rentrer chez lui
et déjeuner.
He dropped out of school in mid-year to go home and
He left school at noon to go home and eat lunch.
He quit school in mid-semester and re-entered when
he was older.
He ran out of the school at noon and came back in
the afternoon.
Choose the best translation. "Read the
instructions before you start building."
Lire l'avant des instructions.
Lisez les instructions avant de commencer la
Lisez les instructions du bâtiment .
Donnez-moi les directions du bâtiment
Dépose-moi au coin de cette rue, j'ai honte
d'être en voiture avec toi!
If you don't drop me off, I'll stay in the car and
go hunting with you!
You can drop me at the corner of this street, wait
for me in the car!
The corner of the street is unsafe, let me stay in
the car with you!
Drop me off at the corner of this street, I'm
embarassed to be in the car with you!
Il ne s'est pas reveillé à l'heure et a loupé
son vol.
He didn't get any sleep on his flight.
He woke up and realized he got robbed.
He didn't wake up on time and missed his flight.
He will take a nap on the plane.
Choose the best translation. "Marie n'a
pas fini son projet la semaine dernière."
Marie did not finish her last project.
Marie does not have new projections for the week.
Marie did not finish her project last week.
Marie did not have a project last week.
Vous pouvez négocier.
You can negotiate.
You couldn't negociate.
You won't negociate.
You could have negociated.
Choose the best translation. "Avez-vous
sorti le chien aujourd'hui?"
Did you get a dog today?
Have you taken the dog out today?
Have you sorted the chains today?
Can you take the dog to the groomer?
Choose the best translation. "Avez-vous
oublié d'apporter le livre?"
Did you forget to bring the book?
Can you forget about the book?
Did you forget about the book?
Will you bring the book?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
Who's passing by?
Who passed (the test)?
What pass is this?
What's happening?
Je ne comprends pas.
I can't understand it.
I don't understand.
You don't understand.
I do understand.
Le magasin est trop loin.
The magazine is too long.
The store sells chopped sirloin.
The magazine can be heard from afar.
The store is too far away.
Choose the best translation. "Mon ami est
à la recherche d'un emploi."
My boyfriend has a new research job.
My friend was looking for a job.
My friend is researching engineering.
My friend is looking for a job.
Ma mère dort.
My sister is sleeping.
My mother is sleeping.
The sea is calm.
Her mother is sleeping.
Je m'entends bien avec tous mes amis.
I hear all of my ammo well.
I hear all of my friends well.
I get along well with all of my friends.
I intend to treat all of my lovers well.
Le gendarme a pris le voleur sur le fait.
The policeman caught the thief in the act.
The armed man stole the prize on the fly.
The gannet took wing and flew.
The gentleman grabbed the bird as it was flying
Choose the best translation. "She fell
asleep on the train ride."
Elle a mangé sur le trajet en train.
Elle s'est endormie pendant le trajet en train.
Elle s'est endormie pendant le film.
Elle dort toujours sur le trajet en train.
Choose the best translation. "Je mettrai
les rapports sur votre bureau demain matin."
I put the reports on your desk yesterday.
I will take the metro to work in the morning.
I will put the reports on your desk in the morning.
I will put the reports in your hand tomorrow.
Choose the best translation. "Les garçons
peindront la barrière demain."
The boys always paint fences on Fridays.
The boys painted the fence yesterday.
The girls will paint the fence tomorrow.
The boys will paint the fence tomorrow.
Choose the best translation. "If
Christophe does not go with me to the appointment, I will ask Stéphanie to go
with me.
Si Christophe ne va pas au rendez-vous, Stéphanie
va aller.
Si Christophe ne va pas avec toi au rendez-vous, je
vais demander que Stéphanie va avec toi.
Si Christophe ne va pas au rendez-vous avec moi, je
vais demander à Stéphanie qu'elle aille avec moi
Si Christophe ne va pas au rendez-vous, nous irons
visiter Stéphnie.
Choose the best translation. "Essayez de
vous souvenir où vous avez laissé votre livre."
Did you remember where you left your book.
Try to remember who took your book.
Try to remember where you left your book.
Try to remember where you left your hat.
Pourquoi est-ce que tu te moques de moi?
Why are you acting like a monkey in front of me?
Why are you making fun of yourself to me?
Why are you making fun of me?
What are you making a mockery of?
Après être arrivée à la frontière du pays,
elle a rebroussé chemin.
Upon reaching the tollbooth, she turned around.
After marching around so much, she brushed her hair
After the parade came and went, she cleaned her
chimney again.
After reaching the country's border, she retraced
her steps.
Choose the best translation of "J'en ai
I don't have anymore.
I've had enough.
I like the ocean.
I feel lucky.
Un client vient de nous demander de lui
envoyer un devis.
A client just asked us to send him a quote.
A client is asking us if there was a mistake in our
A client might ask for a quote.
A client just got back to us regarding our quote.
Choose the best translation. "We are out
of coffee."
Nous n'allons pas le café.
Nous n'avons plus de café.
Nous aimons le café.
Nous ne buvons pas de café.
Choose the best translation. "Nous
verrons la nouvelle statue, si nous allons en ville aujourd'hui."
We are seeing the new statue today while we are in
We will see the new fountain, if we come into town
We will see the new statue if we go into town
We saw the new statue yesterday, when we went into
Elle a passé une nuit blanche à cause du
She walked in her sleep last night, which was cause
for alarm.
She passed out last night because of the heavy
She spent a sleepless night because of the hubbub.
She turned white as a sheet, which caused me to
Choose the best translation. "After
Michel gets dressed, we will go to the party."
Si Michel n'a pas s'habiller, nous n'irons pas à la
Après Michel coupe ses cheveux, nous allons aller
au parc.
Une fois que Michel sera habillé, nous irons à la
Michel s'habiller après la fête.
What is the right translation for : " Je
m'en fous"
Don't make me a fool
I care
I am not a fool
I don't care
Elles sont allées dans une forêt de pins.
They went to a forest full of pins.
They went into a pine forest.
They walked into a forest of bread.
Choose the best translation. "Il prend le
bus au travail."
He got the bus to work.
He takes the train to work.
He takes the bus to work.
He will go to work on the bus.
Choose the best translation. " I will
bring the wine if you bring the food."
Je vais apporter du vin et de la nourriture pour
J'apporterai le vin si tu apportes la nourriture.
Si vous apportez le vin, je vais apporter de la
J'aime le vin et tu aimes la nourriture.
Ma journée était comme ci, comme ça.
My day was so-so.
My sojourn was neither here nor there.
My journey took me here and there.
My journey was uneventful.
Comment allez-vous?
Where do you go?
How do you do? How are you?
How do you go?
Why is everyone going?
Choose the best translation. "Philippe a
jeté ce dossier hier pendant qu'il faisait le ménage sur son bureau."
Philippe threw away that folder yesterday while he
was cleaning off his desk.
Philippe loses folders when he cleans off his desk.
Philippe found that folder yesterday when he was
cleaning off his desk.
Philippe will throw that folder away the next time
he cleans off his desk.
Choose the best translation. "Il y a dix
garçons et douze filles dans la classe."
There are ten boys and twelve girls in the class.
There were ten girls and twelve boys in the class.
There are twelve girls and ten boys in the class.
I have ten sons and twelve daughters.
Choose the best translation. "Lorsque
vous testerez le code, assurez-vous de prendre des notes détaillées."
When you take the test, be sure to take a lot of
When he tested the code, he took detailed notes.
When you tested the code, you took detailed notes.
When you test the code, be sure to take detailed
Ravi de te rencontrer.
He was happy to meet me.
Happy to meet him.
Pleasure meeting you.
He was glad to meet him.
What is the correct translation of "j'ai
mangé chez ma mère hier soir"?
I had dinner at my mother's last night
I had dinner by the sea yesterday
I ate with my mother yesterday
My mother had dinner last night
I will eat at my mother's tomorrow
Je n'ai pas entendu l'enfant crier.
I didn't hear the elephant bellow.
I didn't hear the infant laugh.
I didn't hear the child scream.
I didn't intend to make the baby cry.
Choose the best translation. 'Would you like
to schedule your doctor's appointment for the morning or the afternoon?"
Voulez-vous prendre rendez-vous chez le médecin le
matin ou l'après-midi?
Voulez-vous rêver à ton rendez-vous du médecin dans
le matin ou l'après-midi?
Voulez-vous fixer la séminaire pour le matin ou
Voulez-vous jouer un match de tennis avec le
médecin le matin ou l'après-midi?
Choose the best translation. "I will not
have this work finished by Friday."
Je vais avoir ce travail fini d'ici vendredi.
Je n'aurai pas fini ce travail d'ici vendredi.
Je n'ai pas fini le travail par vendredi.
J'ai fini le travail vendredi
Je n'y peux rien.
I can't do something.
I can't do anything about it.
I can't do anything at that place.
Jacques et Jean montèrent la colline.
Jacques and Jean put on the coat.
Jacques and Jean walked up the coast.
Jacques and Jean climbed up the hill.
Jacques and Jean fell down the hill.
Il a porté plainte après avoir appris que
l'assurance ne l'aiderait pas à payer ses frais médicaux.
He pressed charges after having learned that the
insurance wouldn't help him pay his medical bills.
He won't press charges since his insurance is
helping him pay his medical bills.
He sued his insurance and they decided to help him
pay his medical bills.
He will sue his insurance if they don't help him
pay his medical bills.
Choose the best translation. "Je ne me
souviens jamais de mettre mon étiquette avec mon nom."
I never remember to put on my name tag.
I did not remember to put my name badge on last
I always remember to put my name tag on.
I do not remember the last time I put on my name
J'ai affaire avec une dame très exigeante.
I'm having an affair with a very extravagant woman.
I'm fair toward a very exhilarating woman.
I fare well with a very exciting woman.
I'm dealing with a very demanding woman.
Je suis disponible dès demain.
I am unavailable until tomorrow.
I'm available until tomorrow.
I am available starting tomorrow.
I'll let you know about my availability tomorrow.
Choose the best translation. "Hélène will
be on the team that is redesigning the website."
Hélène était a __l'équipe qui a redessiné le site.
Hélène fera partie de l'équipe qui redessine le
site Web.
Hélène construire une équipe de redessiner le site.
Hélène sera a l'équipe qui construit le bureau.
J’ai une faim de loup.
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
I'm hungry from the run.
I'm so famished I'm out of the loop.
I'm as famous as J. Lo.
What is the correct translation of: "Do
you know his address?"
Quelle est son adresse?
Saurez-vous son adresse?
Vous savoir son adresse?
Connaissez-vous son adresse?
Choose the best translation. "I will only
go to the party with you if you let me drive."
Je ne vais à la fête avec vous si vous êtes
d'accord pour me laisser conduire.
J'irai à la fête avec toi seulement si tu me
laisses conduire.
J'irai à la fête avec toi seulement si vous me
laissez courir.
Je ne vais que à la réunion avec toi seulement si
tu me laisses conduire.
Vous prétendez avoir vu une fée? À d'autres!
You claim you saw a fairy? Nonsense!
Are you kidding when you say you're charging me a
fee? Go to someone else!
Are you pretending to be a fairy? Do something
Are you saying this costs something? You've got to
be kidding!
Choose the best translation. Note, this
statement contains an idiom and should not be translated literally. "Elle
tombera dans les pommes à la vue du sang."
She will pass out at the sight of blood.
She will take the apples and sing a song.
She will trip at the sight of blood.
She will trip on apples and bleed.
Il y a trois mois, je me suis arrêté par les
Three months ago, I was stopped by the police.
Three months ago, I stopped myself before the
There are three months, I was arrested by a
Il faut que vous puissiez parler couramment au
moins deux langues.
You need to speak currently two languages.
You have to speak no less than two languages
You must be able to speak at least two languages
You need to be able to talk fluently in two
Which of the following options lists days of
the week in the correct order?
Mardi, Lundi, Mercredi
Lundi, Jeudi, Samedi
Jeudi, Lundi, Samedi
Samedi, Jeudi, Dimanche
La chatte est assise sur la moquette.
The chat took place on the carpet.
The chap is helping us lay the carpet down.
The cat sat on the mat.
The cat is sitting on the rug.
Cette baraque est inhabitée depuis cinq mois.
That hut is inhabited by five mice.
That shanty is empty except for a moldy sink.
This shanty has been uninhabited for five months.
Those barracks have been uninhabitable for five months.
J'ai achevé mon mémoire hier.
I finished my dissertation yesterday.
I got my memory back yesterday.
I attained a higher level of memory.
I achieved a higher grade on my dissertation.
Ce poisson est le plus insipide que j'aie
jamais mangé.
This poison is unsippable, and I'll never taste it.
This is the blandest fish I've ever tasted.
This is the worst fish I've ever digested.
This fish is tasteless, and am I ever disgusted.
J'en ai ras le bol de votre mauvaise humeur.
I have a bowlful of bad-tasting hummus.
I think you're a barrelful of laughs.
I've had it up to here with your bad mood.
I've had enough of your bad jokes.
Comme fruits, je voudrais des raisins et des
For fruits, I would like grapes and plums.
I'm giving you these grapes and plums.
I'd like a raisin and prune fruitcake.
For fruits, I would like raisins and prunes.
Choose the best translation. "Tell Alan
to file his receipts."
Dites à Alan de ranger ses reçus.
Dites à Alan de ranger ses espèces.
Demandez Alan s'il a déposé ses recettes.
Dites Alan de garder ses reçus.
What is the correct (formal) translation of:
"Do you know the restaurant on the block?"
Aimez-vous le restaurant dans le quartier?
Savez-vous le restaurant sur le quartier?
Connaissez-vous le restaurant dans le quartier?
Connaissez-vous le restaurant d'a côté?
Avez-vous été au restaurant sur le quartier?
Le grand wagon arrivera avec plein de balles
de foin.
The Grand Old Party bandwagon arrived to fill the
ballot box.
The big boxcar will arrive full of bales of hay.
(none of these)
The wagon train came to town with great balls of
Cette tarte au citron vert me donne l'eau à la
That lime tart feels very watery in my mouth.
That lemon tart makes me salivate.
That key lime pie makes my mouth water.
That lemon pie makes me want to come and eat it.
J'ai pris mon gendre en grippe.
I caught the flu from my son-in-law.
I've taken a disliking to my son-in-law.
I don't like my gender.
I got a grip on that genre.
What is the correct English translation of the
following sentence? Il a un poil dans la main.
He is a lazybones.
He has a hairy hand.
He is a lucky man.
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