Elance Bing Ads Test Answers 2015

Which of these can help you improve your conversion rate?
Increasing the relevance of the landing page
Increasing the relevance of your copy
All of these
Add dynamic text to your destination URL

What is a sandbox?
A sandbox isolates untested code in Bing Ads.
A sandbox generates viruses.
A sandbox is where they launch ads from.
A sandbox is for introducing ads to the public.

How many site placements can an individual ad group contain?

What is the 'mainline' ?
The searched word that is relevant to the ad
The list of results for a user's search term.
The top 4 ads on the search results page
All ads relevant to the Bing search

True or False? Bing uses PPC advertising to attract users to its services.

Which one of these is NOT a Bing ads report?
Analytics report
Billing & Budgets report
Competition report
Targeting report

If you wanted to set the position of an ad, what would you use?

How can you check the status of your Bing ad?
Clicking on the Campaigns tab
Clicking the Ads tab
Clicking the Keywords tab
All of these

If you wanted to define a call detail report request in sandbox, what report would you use?

When compiling Java, what must all strings be encoded in?

What would the following string tell you? - <xs:enumeration value="Euro" />
Your zone is set to Europe.
Your currency is set to Euros.
Your program only uses Euros.
Your currency is being converted into Euros.

To include "Skill sets" as an exact negative keyword in your negative keywords list, you would format the phrase:
-[Skill sets]
-{Skill sets}
-"Skill sets"
--"Skill sets"--

What does “KeywordAndMatchType” define?
A group of matching items.
An object that contains suggested match types for the keyword.
Random keywords.
An array of matching objects.

What are the three ad extensions available on Bing Ads?
Location extensions, Call extensions and Sitelink extensions
Location extensions, Customer extensions, and Geo extensions
Call extensions, Phone extensions, and Address extensions
Locator extensions, CTR extensions, and Business extensions

Long Ad Titles only appear in your ad when
you change the default setting.
your title consists of descriptive text and a URL.
you have activated Ad Extensions.
your title exceeds the character limit.
your ad is a mainline ad.

In which tab do you do most of the editing and managing of your ads?
Campaigns tab
Manage tab
Changes tab
Accounts tab

What operation returns your download status?

What is the purpose of the quality score?
To measure the quality of your landing page copy
To measure how many impressions you are getting for your ads
To measure how relevant your keywords are to the search queries
To measures how many clicks you are receiving for your ads

What is the highest quality score you can get?

True or False? You receive multiple ad reports to track the progress of your ad.

If your service operation fails, what exception is thrown?

What three parameters are required to create a Campaign?
Campaign code, contact details, and target demographic
Campaign name, campaign budget, and time zone
Target demographic, contact details, minimum bid
Campaign name, landing page URL, ad picture

True or False? Landing pages must NOT open any additional windows.

What are the budgeting options available when creating a campaign?
Weekly minimum and Weekly maximum
Daily and Hourly maximum
Daily and Monthly maximum
Monthly and yearly maximums

True or False? You can use coupons to pay for your Bing ads.

How is the Click-through rate calculated?
Impressions on your ad divided by clicks on your competitor's ad
Ad clicks divided by total impressions
Impressions divided by bid price
Ad clicks divided by clicks on your competitor's ad

What account type(s) can you have?
Only Prepay account
Only Postpay account
Postpay account and Prepay account
None of these

Bing Ads are used on what platform(s)?
Bing, Yahoo and Google
Only Bing
Bing and Yahoo!
Bing and Ask.com

The Keyword Match Options allow you to
match a competitors keyword bid for the same search term for a higher search ranking.
target your keywords to trigger your ad on broad match, phrase match or exact match search terms.
research keywords for your ad campaign based on previous search terms.
create a Dynamic Ad by selecting placeholder keywords that dynamically change depending on the search term.
copy keywords from one ad campaign to another using the Bing Ads Intelligence tool.

Which operator do you use to get the details of an account?

What are the two types of Bing Ads developer tokens?
Single user, and multi-user.
Single user, many users.
Old user, new user.
Big user, little user.

When clicks are valid, where is billing sent by Direct Advertiser?
To the government.
Directly to Google.
Directly to Microsoft.
Directly to Washington.

True or False? An incremental bid is optional.

When creating an ad, what must you include?
Display URL, target location, display image, and target keyword
Ad text, display image, and minimum bid
Ad title, ad text, display URL, and destination URL
Ad title and target demographic

What ad formats can you use in Bing Ads?
PaperAd, MobileAd, and PlasticAd.
TextAd, MobileAd, and ProductAd.
TextAd, TelegramAd, and ProductAd.
TextAd, MobileAd, and PrivateAd.

Which of these are recommended strategies when writing ad copy?
Highlight the product benefit instead of using promotional superlatives
All of these
Use attention grabbing action words
Use a strong keyword in the first line line of your ad or title

What is 'SERP' ?
Search Engine Redirect Portal
Search Engine Results Page
Searched Electronic Recommended Products
Search Engine Relevance Page

True or False? You can prevent your ads from showing to certain demographics of people.

What is a 'Landing Page' ?
A page that appears when one clicks on a search result or an ad
The page where the ad is displayed
The page that is restricted to admin use only
The page where the user types their search

True or False? You can import campaigns from Google AdWords into Bing Ads

What is the benefit of using Bing Ads API?
There is no benefit.
It makes the ads cycle faster.
It is an efficient way to manage large ad campaigns.
It blocks the ads faster.

What is included in a Bing Ads report?
All of these
Quality score
Keyword relevance
Landing page relevance

What is Bing Ads?
An ad-blocking service.
A pay-per-click advertising service.
Advertisements to sell Bing Crosby's music.
Advertisement to sell cherries.

You can import your existing Google Ads Campaign into Bing Ads.

What is Ad Intelligence Service used for?
To determine the intellectual quality of ads.
To determine the hierarchical input of ads.
To determine the historical performance of ads.
To determine the flow of ads.

Targeting is priced in ___ increments.

What is the minimum word requirement for a Bing ad title?
3 words
1 word
It depends on the bid amount
It depends on your historic quality score

What bid(s) must you enter before submitting your ad?
Search network bid and content network bid
Only ad bid
Only content network bid
Only search network bid

Which of the following is NOT a targeting option available with Bing ads?
Age of viewer
Browser type
Day of the week
Physical location

If a list of users who belong to a customer was needed, what operation would you use?
The StealUsersInfo operation.
The GetUsers protocol.
The GetUsersInfo operation.
The GiveUsersInfo operation.

How many Bing ad users can there be on one account?
It depends on the pricing tier

What is the bulk service for?
Offloading campaign entity data.
Downloading company entity data.
Downloading campaign entity data.
Exporting campaign entity data.

If you wanted to import a library into your application, which command would you use?
import bingads.bulk.*;
import bingads

What objects does “AddCampaigns” use, and then return?
“AddCampaignsRequest”, “AddCampaignsReturn”.
“AddCampaignsQuest”, “AddCampaignsResponse”.
“AddCampaignsRequest”, “AddCampaignsResponse”.
“AddCampaignsResign”, “AddCampaignsResponse”.

How many ads are present on a page after one Bing search?

If you use the service operation, “GetKeywordCategories” should there be a difference in the sandboxed production vs the released production?
Yes. There are more categories in the released version.
Yes. The sandboxed version is far more comprehensive.
Yes. The released version is more comprehensive.

What do you need when you deploy your application into the production environment?
The production WSDLs and credentials.
The production credentials.
The production WUZZLEs and credentials.
The production WASLs and credentials.

Using SOAP protocol, between what tags would the GetDownloadStatusResponse element be placed?
<s:Body> and </s:Body>
<s:Body> and <s:Body>
<s:HTML> and </s:Body>
<s:HTML> and </s:HTML>

If you want to access the WSDL using Java, what code must be typed into the terminal?
java org.WSDL2Java -a < URL of a Bing Ads WSDL >
java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -a < URL of a Bing Ads WSDL >
axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -a < URL of a Bing Ads WSDL >
java org.apache.axis.wsdl

What is used to authenticate Bing Ads accounts with Microsoft Accounts?
The OAuth 2.0 protocol.
The Oauthor Authorization.
The OAuth 8.0 protocol.

True or False? If your keyword relevance score is poor, you should use negative keywords.

What three code types are recommended for Bing Ads?
Bing, Java, Microsoft.
Python, Java, Javascript.
C#, Java, PHP
C#, Ruby, Java.

What is a 'Call extension'?
Having your phone number as the only link the customer can click on
Setting the ad to only appear on mobile search pages
Receiving a call every time your campaign is about to expire
Including a phone number in your ad copy

If you wanted to download a specific campaign's data, what operation would you use?

True or False? Bing displays MORE ad spots than Google on its search results page.

What kind of token does Bing Ads' sandbox use?
A super user token.
Multi-user development token.
A golden token.
Bing Ads token.

If you had ad intelligence faults, what is an object that would tell you about it?

True or False? If a one of your target customers click on your ad, you pay for each of the incremental bids that match.

What is all advertising activity defined by?
By customer.
By product.
By seller.
By product and seller.

What would you return if you set GetBidsAtLevel to 0?
An array of EstimatedBid.
An array of KeywordEasyBid.
An array of KeywordEstimatedBid.

What is the maximum amount of accounts a standard self serve customer can have?

Within customer management operators, what is the ApplicationToken element used for?
Nothing. It's value should be null.
It tells you how many customers have visited your store.
It tells you how long they were viewing the store.
It tells you how many customers purchased items.

In which of these countries are Content Ads available?

Can the test data for supported key words be expected to render similar results when your app is moved into production?
Yes. It's exactly alike.
Yes. Bing Ads is testing it outside the sandbox for you.
Yes. Bing Ads creates an environment to replicate the public.

The service used to create and modify ads is called what?
CampaignManagement service.
CampaignMaximizer Serice

What is the correct action syntax for the GetCustomerService operation?
<Action mustUnderstand="1">GetCustomer</Action>
<Action can'tUnderstand="1">GetCustomer</Action>
<Action "1">GetCustomer</Action>
<Action mustGet="1">GetCustomer</Action>

Which ads are present more than once on a Bing search?
Top 4 ads
No ads repeat in a Bing search
Top 3 ads
Top 2 ads

Can the UserName element be used for a Microsoft account?
Yes, and it is encouraged.
You only have one account.

If you wanted to see the details of an API call, what element would you use?

How far back does the historic quality score go?
24 months
18 months
10 months
From the day you submitted the ad