People Management Test Answers

An employee makes a racial remark about another co-worker. The racism is obvious and malicious. What action should you take?
Terminate the employee
Do nothing.

The company's SHAREHOLDERS are people who invested in this company, while its STAKEHOLDERS are all those affected by the company.
"Shareholder" and "stakeholder" are synonyms.

Hiring a good fit for your company is not important. You can always mold them into being the employee you want them to be.

Motivation can only be achieved through compensation.

When a staff member complains about something job related, you should...
Talk directly to the the staff member, identify the issue and resolve it together with the staff member.
Wait it out as the issue will disappear by itself.
Talk to someone in the same department as the staff member to see if anybody else share the staff members viewpoints.
Talk to HR about the staff member, not the employee .

Which is the best definition of Workplace Harassment?
Any situation involving the same sex
Feeling uncomfortable outside of the workplace
Situation causing someone to feel uncomfortable in the workplace
Any situation involving opposite sex

A manager from another department tells you that your management style lacks originality. What should you do?
Politely let them know that their opinion does not and never will matter.
Tell him/her that you are more original than they are.
Ask why he/she feels that way and encourage new ideas on alternative management styles.
Ask them why they are being so rude and storm off yelling obscene words.

What do you do when your boss does not respond to an email you feel is important?
Call your boss and ask when she will get to it.
Send a follow up. If she does not respond again, approach her.
Complain to her boss that you are not being respected.
Ask a co-worker to follow up for you.
Work around her input and address it later if it is a problem.

True or false? Effective listening skills is important for a manager to have.

Your team is upset due to a change in direction imposed by the business, you should...
continue work as usual because business will only change their mind again in 6 months
complain to your boss and see if s/he can do anything
let the team vent their displeasure so they can move on
discuss the changes with your business contact and explain it to your team

Which of the following is the best way to resolve employee conflicts?
None of these
Telling each employee what the other said.
Listening to both employees and coming up with a viable solution.
Do nothing.

Refusal to hire a person with a disability is AGAINST THE LAW if
the disability doesn't interfere with the person's ability to adequately perform the job duties
the company employs 50 + people
the building is wheelchair-accessible
the disabled person belongs to a union

Customer service rule #1, the consumer is always...

It is important to thoroughly understand company policies, rules, and regulations as it pertains to your team.

Two of your employees are arguing in front of a customer. What should you do?
Pull them to the side and scream at them
Pull them to the side and get to the root of the problem while explaining how unprofessional it is to argue in front of customers
Both answers are correct

When recruiting for a new position, which statement is true?
The best candidates will apply first
Technical positions should be interviewed by HR only
HR will know who you need
It is best to determine the type of skills needed before recruiting

You receive a customer complaint that one of your subordinates is being RUDE. You:
Apologize to the customer and talk to the mentioned employee to be able to fully assess the situation before taking further action.
Tell the customer to file a complaint on the company's web-site and assure the mentioned employee that it's nothing to worry about.
Apologize to the customer and report the incident to the manager above you at once.

A leader __________.
All answers are correct.

When delegating work it is best to delegate to the:
Longest employee
One with the most time
Newest employee
Employee who will get the job done in a satisfactory manner

Suppose there is a lot of attrition in your team. What would you do first?
Try to assess the root cause of employee demotivation.
Give the remaining members of the team a pay bump to keep them happy.
Initiate a meeting to go over this quarter's goals.
Complain to your supervisor.

True or false? Open communication does not promote trust.

Which is not a characteristic of a good Manager?
Develops talents of team members
Micro-Manages capable subordinates
Encourages open communication
Knows what motivates team members

True or false? It only takes one employee to destroy team dynamics and productivity.

True or false? Infrequent communication can cause fear.

You encounter a customer who is loudly arguing and asking to see a manager. First thing you do:
Introduce yourself and apologize
Tell them the manager is not here and it's not your fault
Call the security and ask them to leave
Offer a glass of water and tell them to calm down

True or false? Gossip in the workplace is common, and will not harm anyone or violate company policy.

A direct report comes to you and says they are being sexually harassed by a member of senior management. You have heard rumors that this particular employee has been looking for ways to get paid time off and you suspect this is a ploy. What should you do?
Request a meeting with direct report to investigate sexual harassment claims and invite a member of human resources to help conduct meeting. Depending on what your direct report says, determines on how you react further.
Needs to be a shorter in length to meet with your time standards.
Ask direct report be transferred to another department in the company. No one has the time for the drama.
Fire the direct report before a law suit is threatened.
Ask a member of your team to keep a close watch out on this direct report because they are claiming sexual harassment and you are skeptical.

An Employee can best be viewed as:
An asset
Means of production
An expense
A liability

When there is tension amongst your team, which is a good solution?
Leave the employees to work it out themselves
Go to HR immediately
Avoid getting involved
Address concerns and try to resolve

What would NOT be a competency for a team manager?
Team leadership
BA or BS degree
Time management

Name a feature of an organization's CULTURE:
All of these
Individual-driven or Team-driven
Homogeneous or Heterogeneous
Formal or Informal

If your company takes pride in being an EOE, this means
Eligible Operations Engineer
Equal Opportunity Employer
Ethical Open Equity
Equity Optimal Employer

Which of the following value dimension has a focus that looks at the value of the self versus the group?
Power distance
Uncertainty avoidance

When motivating your team it is best to:
Offer them extra time off
Offer what would motivate you
Assess what the team sees as motivational
Offer them extra money

An organization's "vision" is...
An inspirational description of organization's values and the long-term goals it strives to achieve.
One of the benefits an organization offers to its employees.
Analysis of the way an organization is viewed by its competitors.

BENCHMARKING, as a business management technique, is
the process of comparing the company's employees skill levels to one another.
the process of comparing one's business processes and performance metrics to industry bests or other industries' best practices.
the process of marking the benches donated to public parks with company's logo, as a part of the company's social responsibility practices.

All of these are great inspirational leadership tools EXCEPT:

It requires a degree to properly manage people.

According to Family and Medical Leave Act men are entitled to parental leave just as women are entitled to pregnancy leave.

Before terminating an employee it is best to:
Request a signed statement from employee
Document all events leading up to termination
Prepare co-workers before addressing employee
Address concerns with others

A salary means...?
A vegetable
Bonus, allowance, premiums
rate per hour
amount entitled to an employee in a given period (semi-monthly, monthly, annual)

What would be the best solution when terminating an employee?
Allow employee to convince you why they should stay
Discuss with HR prior to termination
Have a company Lawyer present
Pack up their belongings prior to breaking the news

If the white-male-dominated finance company begins to hire women and people with diverse backgrounds for management positions, it's an effort to
discriminate against white men
change the organizational culture
change the organization's mission

Where is the proper place to discipline employee?
In a private place where only required persons are involved.
At home.
In the lunch table infront of peers.

An employee is talking on the phone while looking up information in Google and taking notes. This is an example of
oral and written communication skills
Internet research proficiency
inability to concentrate

Which is not a factor in increasing employee engagement?
Encouraging long hours
Providing them a goal to work towards
Employee recognition

Which is NOT the best solution when dealing with a performance concern?
Terminate the employee as soon as possible
Document concerns
Discuss performance concerns with the employee
Contact HR for guidance

Micromanagement is:
A style when a manager closely observes or excessively controls the work of subordinates.
A job title for a Microeconomics division manager.
No such concept exists.
A style when a manager splits a large progect goal in micro-steps

True or False? Sexual Harassment is generally tolerated when it is viewed as a joke.

You witness an employee say something inappropriate to another team member.
Do nothing until the annual review and address it there.
Stop the conversation and correct the employee.
Pull him/her aside and point out the issue. Ask them to talk with the other employee and fix things. Offer to mediate if needed
Ask both people into your office and try to fix it yourself.

In a meeting with an external client, one of your directs makes a negative comment about your internal processes. When is an appropriate time to give negative feedback to the employee?
Immediately at the meeting. There's no reason to wait because the issue has already been brought up in front of the client.
After the meeting.
Wait at least two weeks. Give the employee time to think about what he/she has done.

If you do the morally right thing and report on your boss if you know he is involved in illegal practices, you RISK being known as a _____________ in the industry.
moral person
loyal employee

When managing others it is best to:
Establish a sense of authority
Be feared
Be liked
Be every one's friend

Productivity is measured by which factors?
Inputs only
Inputs and Outputs

Which is a factor in building a team environment?
Keep work separated
Make time for conflict resolution
Encouraging collaboration of ideas
Define specific roles

One of the cheapest ways to motivate team members may be:
A Small amount bonus
To punish undesired behavior
A Small amount gift card

What does not motivate employees?
Salary deduction

True or False : Most managers select employees according to the skills needed for the role, but great managers select people for their talent.

Leadership is different from management in what way?
Leadership and management are the same thing
Leadership is mostly about behavior; management is mostly about processes
Management is really about behavior, leadership is mostly about process
Real leadership is most often seen among our peers

True or false? As a supervisor, when assisting in an investigation, it is best to keep information confidential.

A performance appraisal can be effective when:
It is solely focused on improving weaknesses
An employee is given time to dispute review
SMART goals are set for the employee
Expectations are left open

Competency model is
a sculpture that symbolizes the steps necessary to succeed in a certain business industry
a list of key characteristics/skills necessary for high performance and success in a given job
a model comparing the standards and practices of 2 or more competing companies

What is the best way to get a group to buy into a great idea?
Discuss with your subordinates only and then present to the group post feedback
First write it to the CEO and ask for support
Evalauate with your peers, take feedback and then present it to the group
Think though the idea and present it to the group without previewing it
Evaluate with a competitor

People management skills include the following...
Being motivating and inspiring.
Asking insightful questions
Listening with intent to understand.
All answers.
Handling conflict situations.

Non-Exempt employees must be paid for hours worked overtime.

During an interview, a candidate starts to tell you about the worst boss they ever had. You should:
End the interview as soon as possible with assumption this is not the type of person you want to work with.
End the interview normally, but note this as a negative.
Congratulate them on surviving such a person and assume they can perform under difficult circumstances.

When a new employee comes on board, which is not recommended?
Forgive 1st day mistakes
Allow time for training
An aggressive discussion of unacceptable employee behaviors.
Set expectations

Which may be considered discrimination?
Refusing to hire those considered "of retirement age"
Praising a hard working woman.
Disciplinary action to someone of the opposite sex
Addressing someone of the opposite sex with performance concerns

Which of the following is not an important consideration when holding team meetings?
Checking project status
Discussing new ideas
Relationship building
Hold meetings no less than 1 hr at a time

Which best defines Employee Development?
Advising employees to apply for internal positions
Encouraging employees to acquire new or advanced skills
Training on current processes
Setting attainable goals

The company's STAKEHOLDERS are
All of these
Its customers
Its shareholders
Its suppliers

When employee reports an incident such as harassment, it is important to notify:
The person accused of Harassment
Your Supervisor
Human Resources

How can you satisfy customers?
Identify the needs of the customer
Make them feel comfortable
Relate to the customer
All of the above
Be a good listener

What is the best time of the year to give an employee a feedback?
Annual performance meeting
By the beginning of the year
Annual budget meeting
Whenever it is needed

The organization's MISSION statement
is important to establish for PR purpouses, but otherwise the business should be concerned only with making profits
is a waste of time and paper
is important to establish and follow, because it describes the organization's function in society and its primary day-to-day goals.
is important only for non-profit organizations

Goals set for team members should be:
Significant, Measurable, Accurate, Relevant, Timely
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound
Specific, Memorable, Attainable, Reoccurring, Time-based
Specific, Measurable, Applicable, Real, Timely

An employee is spreading rumors about a co-worker. You should:
Talk to the employee that the rumors are about to first verify if they are true
Ask the rumor-spreading employee if the rumors are true and how he/she found out about them
Immediately bring both employees into your office to settle the issue
Immediately settle the issue with the rumor-spreading employee privately, and then inform the other employee that the issue has been settled but don't disclose who initiated it

A risk of having a discrimination law suit can most likely occur when:
A man is hired over a woman
Bad performance is addressed
A man is promoted over a woman with stronger capabilities
Someone with least seniority is promoted

Which is the best way to leave off during an interview?
Tell employee if they are advancing in the interview process
Provide HR info to follow up
Tell them if they are not right for the job
Explain next steps

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a SMART goal?
Time Bound

The values and behaviors that describe the unique social and psychological environment of an organization is its
Mission Statement
Long-Term Goals

When conducting an employment interview, it is legal to inquire about:
date of birth
family illnesses history
number of children
marital status
preceding salary history

In many industries women tend to be promoted up to 90 % less than men. This phenomenon is called:
glass slipper
top floor phenomenon
grass-root movement
glass ceiling

If a manager chooses to try relationship-oriented management style as opposed to task-oriented (s)he will
focus on couples' counseling
focus on building working relationships with the managers of competing teams
focus more on the people doing the work than on the task at hand
focus on female-male interaction within the team

Out of these four, the best approach to planning/management is

Which of the following may not be included in a company's Annual Performance Appraisal processes?
HR reviews forms
Managers meet with Employees
Deadlines are set
Managers can change review after meeting with employee

What's the most important element of an effective goal set in a coaching conversation?

Some of the key competencies for the HR manager would be:
Recruiting new staff, Monitoring benefits, Scheduling training sessions
Relationship management, Organizational leadership and navigation, Communication
High School Diploma or GED and College degree
Customer satisfaction, Teamwork, Product knowledge

Employees with high potential should not
Be subject to change
Be encouraged to stick to what they do best
Change departments
Be encouraged to develop new skills

The 2 lowest (bottom) needs in Maslow's Hierarchy are
Self-Actualization and Esteem
Leadership and Technology
Love/Belonging and Safety
Physiological and Safety

Union is to strike as Company is to __________.

Referring to a direct report as a "Millennial," or a "Baby Boomer" is never appropriate in the workplace because it refers to the age of the person and could indicate an improper focus on age.
True. These terms are rude and have no value in any aspect of running a modern business.
True. Age discrimination cases can be avoided if no one in the workplace ever refers to any employee's age.
True. It is best to pretend that each employee is exactly the same as each other and to avoid any references to their actual differences at all costs.
False. While it is best to never needlessly refer to demographic differences in employees, there may be legitimate reasons for discussing an employee's age bracket in the context of the workplace.

If a Catholic school would not hire a Jewish teacher for a position based on his religious belief:
it's illegal because its discrimination based on religion
it can be lawfully justified by Persons with Disabilities Employment Act
it's illegal to discriminate against Jews
it can be lawfully justified by Bona Fide Occupational Qualification

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding leaders and managers?
The leader inspires trust whereas the manager relies on control.
The leader asks "what" and "why," whereas the manager asks "how" and "when."
The leader innovates whereas the manager administers.
Concepts "leader" and "manager" have the same meaning.

Which is the process for settling labor disputes?
Collective Bargaining
A meeting with HR

Mid-level managers consist of:
Team Leads and Assistant managers only
general managers, department managers and assistant managers
Directors and project managers
general managers, branch managers and department managers

When an employee is suspected of violating a policy,
Confront employee right away
Contact a Lawyer
Set a meeting with HR
Check your Employee Handbook

Which behavior theory claims there is no best way to organize a corporation, lead a company, or make decisions?
Organizational Theory
Institutional Theory
Contingency Theory
Dependency Theory
Complexity Theory

True or false? The best way to solve a problem is to cure the symptoms first.

What is the fundamental task of management?
To turn a profit
It always depends on the type of business that is being managed.
To explain what needs to be done and how.
Make people capable of joint performance
All of the above

When leading effective change, which are the steps involved?
Stop, Implement, Follow up
Unfreeze, Change, Refreeze
Stop, Change, Move on
Unfreeze, Change, Evaluate

What is the single largest reason for the decline of existing organizations?
Lack of clear goals
Lack of resources
Poor management
Lack of innovation