Google Analytics IQ Exam Test Answers

Q: What is the purpose of “_trackPageview()”?
A: To register a pageview in Google Analytics.
Q: True or False: Google Analytics can NOT track visits to cached pages.
A: False. The Analytics tracking code will still be executed on a cached page.
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the number of visitors.
A: True
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the referrer that directs visitors to your site.
A: True
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the average amount of time spent on your site.
A: True
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the click path of individual visitors.
A: True.
Q: Where can you find the Google URL Builder?
A: The URL Builder is located in the Help Center.
Q: What can the URL Builder help you with?
A: The URL Builder can help to create URLs with tracking parameters already attached.
Q: True or False. You should manually tag banner ads with campaign tracking variables.
A: True
Q: True or False. You should manually tag email campaigns with campaign tracking variables.
A: True
Q: True or False. You should manually tag non-AdWords PPC campaigns with campaign tracking variables.
A: True
Q: True or False. You should manually tag organic search results with campaign tracking variables.
A: False, you can’t do this.
Q: True or False. You should manually tag AdWords campaigns with campaign tracking variables.
A: False, autotagging will do this for you.
Q: True or False. You should manually tag bookmarks with campaign tracking variables.
A: False
Q: How can you track visitors from a newsletter, banner, or email marketing campaign?
A: Manually tag the destination URLs of the campaign that you send visitors to.
Q: What is the formula for ROI?
A: (Revenue – Cost) / Cost; be prepared to do some basic ROI calculations during the test.
Q: What are the three minimum campaign variables you should utilize to tag a URL using manual tagging?
A: Source, Medium, and Campaign.
Q: What is the correct parameter to identify different versions of an ad?
A: Use the content parameter utm_content
Q: What is the formula for Click-Through Rate?
A: Clicks / Impressions
Q: Google AdWords data is not showing up in your account as google / cpc. Why might this happen?
A: It can happen if autotagging is not enabled in your AdWords settings, or if a redirect is stripping out the gclid.
Q: True or False: You can view Campaign data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: True.
Q: True or False: You can view Placement URL data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: False.
Q: True or False: You can view Match Type data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: False.
Q: True or False: You can view Ad Group data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: False.
Q: Reports show that visitors are coming from paused or discontinued campaigns. Why might this be?
A: If the visitors were originally referred by that campaign, and are now coming back as direct visitors, they will be attributed to the paused or discontinued campaign.
Q: What is a referrer?
A: It is the URL of an outside website from which a visitor comes to your website.
Q: On your, you are seeing traffic coming from / referral. Why might that be happening?
A: You may have several subdomains and the Google Analytics Tracking Code is not configured properly.
Q: A search engine appears in the list of referring sites. Why might this happen?
A: It could happen if someone was referred to your site through a personalized search page, for instance.
Q: What are the two most common ways that visitors can be recorded as “direct / (none)” in Google Analytics?
A: If they type your website’s URL into their browser directly, or if they come to your site through a bookmark.
Q: In the Google Analytics Intelligence Events, what types of alerts are available?
A: You can get Daily alerts, Weekly alerts, Automatic alerts, and Custom alerts through Google Intelligence.
Q: True or False: You would use Intelligence to set up a custom alert.
A: True.
Q: True or False: You can use Intelligence to alert you if weekly revenue increases or decreases by an unexpected amount.
A: True.
Q: How can you use the Landing Pages Report in assessing website performance?
A: You can use it to identify landing pages with high bounce rates, and to determine where visitors are entering your website.
Q: What is one indication of a poorly performing landing page?
A: A high Bounce Rate, perhaps greater than 90%.
Q: What is Bounce Rate?
A: The percentage of visits on a website where the visitors views one page and leaves without any interaction on the website.

Q: You are getting high bounce rates on a landing page from a particular keyword. Why might this be?
A: If the content on the landing page does not meet the expectations of people searching for that keyword, they may immediately leave your website and contribute to a higher bounce rate.

Q: Which metric can you use to determine if one type of campaign was responsible for initiating conversions?
A: The Assisted Conversion Value

Q: Your visitors have a habit of visiting your site several times before converting. Which metric could help you determine whether or not a particular keyword is part of a conversion path?
A: Assisted Conversions

Q: What are some valid location dimensions?
A: Country/Territory, City, and Region are valid dimensions. Address is not a valid dimension, as Google Analytics does not track Personally Identifiable Information.

Q: True or False: Bounce Rate is a dimension.
A: False. It is a metric.

Q: True or False: %New Visits is a dimension.
A: False. New Visitors is a dimension, but %New Visits is a metric.

Q: True or False: Screen Resolution is a dimension.
A: True.

Q: True or False: Region is a dimension.
A: True.

Q: True or False: Browser is a metric.
A: False, it is a dimension.

Q: True or False: City is a metric.
A: False, it is a dimension.

Q: True or False: Average Time on Site is a metric.
A: True.

Q: True or False: Pageviews is a metric.
A: True.

Q: You want to find out which keywords visitors from Chicago use to find your website. How can you do this?
A: In the Map Overlay report, select the Keyword dimension for the city of Chicago.

Q: How can you determine the conversion rate for people on a certain Operating System and located in a particular city?
A: Looking at the Operating System report, choose City as your secondary dimension.

Q: People are spending more time on your site. How can you tell if they are actually interacting more on the site?
A: Look for an increase in Pages per Visit.

Q: What does the Visit Duration report show you?
A: It categorizes visits based on the amount of time they spend on your website.

Q: If a visitor conducts two transactions on your website during one visit, how many conversions and how many transactions will be tracked by Google Analytics?
A: 2 transactions, and 1 conversion.

Q: If a visitor subscribes to your newsletter, than someone else on the exact same computer also subscribes during the same session, how many conversions will be tracked?
A: Google Analytics will count 1 conversion.

Q: What is a good metric for measuring the quality of traffic to your website?
A: Conversion rate.

Q: If Channel X equally initiates and assists in conversions, what would its Assisted/Last Interaction Conversion value be?
A: It would be exactly 1.

Q: What does the Site Search Report tell you?
A: It can help you determine how your visitors are searching your site.

Q: How can you determine whether people who use your Site Search have a higher conversion value than people who do not?
A: Go to the Site Search Usage report and view the Goal Conversion tab.

Q: What types of goals can Google Analytics track?
A: Destination URLs, time on site, pages per visit, and events.

Q: What is available in Google’s Real Time Reporting?
A: You can view pageviews per second, pageviews per minute, and active number of visitors.

Q: Can Real Time show you whether or not the Google Analytics code snippet is working on a particular page?
A: Yes, according to Google.

Q: You just added new content and would like to see if people are viewing it. Can you use Real Time to determine this?
A: Yes.

Q: What are some ways you can use profiles?
A: You can look more closely at traffic to one subdomain, you can look more closely at traffic to one directory or section of a website, and you can limit access to some segments of data.

Q: You want a profile to include only Google AdWords data. How can you do this?
A: Use an Include filter.

Q: Is profile filter order applied in order, or all at once?
A: In order, so be careful how you apply filters on your data.

Q: True or False: You can apply an Advanced Segment to historical data.
A: True.

Q: True or False: You can compare Advanced Segments side by side in reports.
A: True.

Q: How can you track user engagement on websites that use Flash or AJAX and are located on one HTML page?
A: You can use Event Tracking, or track interactions as Pageviews and set goals.

Q: What is the purpose of a virtual pageview?
A: To track activity that visitors may complete that does not result in a natural pageview.

Q: How can you track Flash Events with Google Analytics code?
A: _trackEvent() or trackPageview() will work.

Q: You have two buttons on your website and would like to track if people click on Button #1 more than Button #2. Can you do this in Google Analytics? If so, how?
A: Yes, you can track this. Use Event Tracking.

Q: What are the three elements of Event Tracking?
A: Categories, Actions, and Labels.

Q: Using regular expressions, how could you filter out the IP address range of through
A: ^222\.11\.222\.([1-9]|10)$ (Use the IP address range tool for questions like this one!)