Google Analytics IQ Exam Test Answers
Q: What is the purpose of “_trackPageview()”?
A: To register a pageview in Google Analytics.
Q: True or False: Google Analytics can NOT track visits to cached pages.
A: False. The Analytics tracking code will still be executed on a cached page.
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the number of visitors.
A: True
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the referrer that directs visitors to your site.
A: True
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the average amount of time spent on your site.
A: True
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the click path of individual visitors.
A: True.
Q: Where can you find the Google URL Builder?
A: The URL Builder is located in the Help Center.
Q: What can the URL Builder help you with?
A: The URL Builder can help to create URLs with tracking parameters already attached.
Q: True or False. You should manually tag banner ads with campaign tracking variables.
A: True
Q: True or False. You should manually tag email campaigns with campaign tracking variables.
A: True
Q: True or False. You should manually tag non-AdWords PPC campaigns with campaign tracking variables.
A: True
Q: True or False. You should manually tag organic search results with campaign tracking variables.
A: False, you can’t do this.
Q: True or False. You should manually tag AdWords campaigns with campaign tracking variables.
A: False, autotagging will do this for you.
Q: True or False. You should manually tag bookmarks with campaign tracking variables.
A: False
Q: How can you track visitors from a newsletter, banner, or email marketing campaign?
A: Manually tag the destination URLs of the campaign that you send visitors to.
Q: What is the formula for ROI?
A: (Revenue – Cost) / Cost; be prepared to do some basic ROI calculations during the test.
Q: What are the three minimum campaign variables you should utilize to tag a URL using manual tagging?
A: Source, Medium, and Campaign.
Q: What is the correct parameter to identify different versions of an ad?
A: Use the content parameter utm_content
Q: What is the formula for Click-Through Rate?
A: Clicks / Impressions
Q: Google AdWords data is not showing up in your account as google / cpc. Why might this happen?
A: It can happen if autotagging is not enabled in your AdWords settings, or if a redirect is stripping out the gclid.
Q: True or False: You can view Campaign data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: True.
Q: True or False: You can view Placement URL data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: False.
Q: True or False: You can view Match Type data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: False.
Q: True or False: You can view Ad Group data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: False.
Q: Reports show that visitors are coming from paused or discontinued campaigns. Why might this be?
A: If the visitors were originally referred by that campaign, and are now coming back as direct visitors, they will be attributed to the paused or discontinued campaign.
Q: What is a referrer?
A: It is the URL of an outside website from which a visitor comes to your website.
Q: On your, you are seeing traffic coming from / referral. Why might that be happening?
A: You may have several subdomains and the Google Analytics Tracking Code is not configured properly.
Q: A search engine appears in the list of referring sites. Why might this happen?
A: It could happen if someone was referred to your site through a personalized search page, for instance.
Q: What are the two most common ways that visitors can be recorded as “direct / (none)” in Google Analytics?
A: If they type your website’s URL into their browser directly, or if they come to your site through a bookmark.
Q: In the Google Analytics Intelligence Events, what types of alerts are available?
A: You can get Daily alerts, Weekly alerts, Automatic alerts, and Custom alerts through Google Intelligence.
Q: True or False: You would use Intelligence to set up a custom alert.
A: True.
Q: True or False: You can use Intelligence to alert you if weekly revenue increases or decreases by an unexpected amount.
A: True.
Q: How can you use the Landing Pages Report in assessing website performance?
A: You can use it to identify landing pages with high bounce rates, and to determine where visitors are entering your website.
Q: What is one indication of a poorly performing landing page?
A: A high Bounce Rate, perhaps greater than 90%.
Q: What is Bounce Rate?
A: The percentage of visits on a website where the visitors views one page and leaves without any interaction on the website.
Q: You are getting high bounce rates on a landing page from a particular keyword. Why might this be?
A: If the content on the landing page does not meet the expectations of people searching for that keyword, they may immediately leave your website and contribute to a higher bounce rate.
Q: Which metric can you use to determine if one type of campaign was responsible for initiating conversions?
A: The Assisted Conversion Value
Q: Your visitors have a habit of visiting your site several times before converting. Which metric could help you determine whether or not a particular keyword is part of a conversion path?
A: Assisted Conversions
Q: What are some valid location dimensions?
A: Country/Territory, City, and Region are valid dimensions. Address is not a valid dimension, as Google Analytics does not track Personally Identifiable Information.
Q: True or False: Bounce Rate is a dimension.
A: False. It is a metric.
Q: True or False: %New Visits is a dimension.
A: False. New Visitors is a dimension, but %New Visits is a metric.
Q: True or False: Screen Resolution is a dimension.
A: True.
Q: True or False: Region is a dimension.
A: True.
Q: True or False: Browser is a metric.
A: False, it is a dimension.
Q: True or False: City is a metric.
A: False, it is a dimension.
Q: True or False: Average Time on Site is a metric.
A: True.
Q: True or False: Pageviews is a metric.
A: True.
Q: You want to find out which keywords visitors from Chicago use to find your website. How can you do this?
A: In the Map Overlay report, select the Keyword dimension for the city of Chicago.
Q: How can you determine the conversion rate for people on a certain Operating System and located in a particular city?
A: Looking at the Operating System report, choose City as your secondary dimension.
Q: People are spending more time on your site. How can you tell if they are actually interacting more on the site?
A: Look for an increase in Pages per Visit.
Q: What does the Visit Duration report show you?
A: It categorizes visits based on the amount of time they spend on your website.
Q: If a visitor conducts two transactions on your website during one visit, how many conversions and how many transactions will be tracked by Google Analytics?
A: 2 transactions, and 1 conversion.
Q: If a visitor subscribes to your newsletter, than someone else on the exact same computer also subscribes during the same session, how many conversions will be tracked?
A: Google Analytics will count 1 conversion.
Q: What is a good metric for measuring the quality of traffic to your website?
A: Conversion rate.
Q: If Channel X equally initiates and assists in conversions, what would its Assisted/Last Interaction Conversion value be?
A: It would be exactly 1.
Q: What does the Site Search Report tell you?
A: It can help you determine how your visitors are searching your site.
Q: How can you determine whether people who use your Site Search have a higher conversion value than people who do not?
A: Go to the Site Search Usage report and view the Goal Conversion tab.
Q: What types of goals can Google Analytics track?
A: Destination URLs, time on site, pages per visit, and events.
Q: What is available in Google’s Real Time Reporting?
A: You can view pageviews per second, pageviews per minute, and active number of visitors.
Q: Can Real Time show you whether or not the Google Analytics code snippet is working on a particular page?
A: Yes, according to Google.
Q: You just added new content and would like to see if people are viewing it. Can you use Real Time to determine this?
A: Yes.
Q: What are some ways you can use profiles?
A: You can look more closely at traffic to one subdomain, you can look more closely at traffic to one directory or section of a website, and you can limit access to some segments of data.
Q: You want a profile to include only Google AdWords data. How can you do this?
A: Use an Include filter.
Q: Is profile filter order applied in order, or all at once?
A: In order, so be careful how you apply filters on your data.
Q: True or False: You can apply an Advanced Segment to historical data.
A: True.
Q: True or False: You can compare Advanced Segments side by side in reports.
A: True.
Q: How can you track user engagement on websites that use Flash or AJAX and are located on one HTML page?
A: You can use Event Tracking, or track interactions as Pageviews and set goals.
Q: What is the purpose of a virtual pageview?
A: To track activity that visitors may complete that does not result in a natural pageview.
Q: How can you track Flash Events with Google Analytics code?
A: _trackEvent() or trackPageview() will work.
Q: You have two buttons on your website and would like to track if people click on Button #1 more than Button #2. Can you do this in Google Analytics? If so, how?
A: Yes, you can track this. Use Event Tracking.
Q: What are the three elements of Event Tracking?
A: Categories, Actions, and Labels.
Q: Using regular expressions, how could you filter out the IP address range of through
A: ^222\.11\.222\.([1-9]|10)$ (Use the IP address range tool for questions like this one!)
Google Adwords Test Answers New 2015
Q: What is the recommended minimum amount of time to let a display campaign run before analyzing performance metrics?
A: 2-3 weeks
Q: True or False: Text ads are the easiest to create on the Display Network.
A: True
Q: True or False: Video ads are the easiest to create on the Display Network.
A: False
Q: Where does YouTube rank in terms of search queries?
A: It has the second highest number of search queries in the world.
Q: What would you use to limit the impressions of an ad for a single unique user?
A: Frequency capping
Q: True or false: Conversions is the most important measurement in a direct response advertiser’s campaign on the Display Network.
A: True
Q: Your display ad has been disapproved. How can you submit a request for another review?
A: Save an edited version of the disapproved ad, or create a new ad.
Q: True or False: CPM bidding is available for the Search Network.
A: False
Q: True or False: CPM bidding is available for the Display Network.
A: True
Q: Can you track phone calls as conversions with Enhanced Campaigns?
A: Yes
Q: Can you track sales transactions as conversions with Enhanced Campaigns?
A: Yes
Q: Can you track text messages as conversions with Enhanced Campaigns?
A: No
Q: What are some features of a YouTube Brand channel?
A: Custom gadgets, house and curate video content, and develop social friendships with YouTube users.
Q: True or False: Use the Placement Report is a good idea when using Site and Category exlusions.
A: True
Q: True or False: You can limit exposure to your ads through site/category exclusions.
A: True
Q: True or False: You can limit exposure to your ads by including negative keywords.
A: True
Q: What tool can you use to target different categories of video content on the Display Network?
A: AdWords for Video
Q: Can your video mimic functions that an ad can not perform?
A: No. Your ad is likely to be disapproved.
Q: Using AdWords, can you target mobile apps?
A: Yes.
Q: What would you use to target relevant sites on the Display Network based on a list of keywords?
A: Managed Placements
Q: What is the payment model for a YouTube homepage masthead advertisement?
A: These are sold on a fixed cost per day model.
Q: How can you optimize your CPC-based campaign?
A: Focus on a high CTR, ad rank, and Quality Score.
Q: What will Frequency Capping do?
A: It will limit the number of times an ad appears to the same unique user on the Display Network.
Q: True or False: You can set individual bids for sites you select for Managed Placements advertisements.
A: True
Q: Can you use Frequency Capping on the Search Network?
A: No, this feature is available only for ads on the Display Network.
Q: Can you track the Mouseover Rate on ads built with the Display Ad Builder?
A: Yes
Q: True or False: Topic Targeting is likely to ensure ads are contextually relevant to the sites they appear on.
A: True
Q: Will all of your performance metrics be lost if you edit an ad with an ad extension, if you are using Enhanced Campaigns?
A: No.
Q: True or False: Using a color scheme that complements the image and branding on your site is recommended when using the Display Ad Builder.
A: True.
Q: Where are ads using images and videos shown?
A: They would only be shown on the Google Display Network.
Q: For direct response marketing, which is the ideal bidding model?
A: Cost per click
Q: True or False: YouTube homepage ads are available through AdWords.
A: False
Q: True or False: YouTube watch page ads are available through AdWords.
A: True
Q: True or False: YouTube search page ads are available through AdWords.
A: True
Q: Why should you include a text ad in your Display Network campaign, even if you want to focus on image/video?
A: Not all publishers accept image/video ads, so having a text ad will ensure maximum coverage.
Q: True or False: You can use Pop-Up ads on the Google Display Network.
A: False
Q: True or False: You can use Print Ads through a Display Network campaign.
A: False
Q: What is one reason to consider different messages in your video ads than in your text/search ads?
A: Video search behavior is different than search behavior on a traditional search engine like Google.
Q: True or False: You can utilize pre-existing design templates with the Google Display Ad Builder tool.
A: True
Q: Should you use a Call to Action in the opening image of a click-to-play video?
A: Yes, this is considered a best practice for this type of advertisement.
Q: When would you pay for a TrueView in-search advertisement?
A: Only if a viewer chooses to watch the video.
Q: What aspect of an ad would help set expectations for users in different stages of the buying cycle?
A: A clear Call to Action in the text portion of a text, video, or image advertisement.
Q: True or False: You can incorporate an error message or warning box in your image ad.
A: False, this will get your ad disapproved.
Q: True or False, you can use a strobe background in your Display Network ads.
A: False, this will get your ad disapproved.
Q: Which bidding model allows advertisers to pay by the conversion?
A: Cost per acquisition (CPA)
Q: What is the best bidding model to increase reach and visibility?
A: Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)
Q: What type of bidding model do reservation ads use?
A: They are a fixed price, so no bidding is used.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Test Answers
units once suggestion to the subject of the Info Palette automatically changes
the units roughly Rulers.
2.Which of the along in the midst of Filters cannot be applied to a Smart Object?
Pattern Maker
3.With which of the unmodified options does the Signal Strength Meter appear?
It appears taking into account you pick 'join to hdr command'
4.Which along between the when Modes does not preserve layers?
All of the above
of the associated to is not genuine approximately Filters?
None of the above
6.Which of the back is not legitimate approximately the Curves dialog crate?
The Curves dialog crate lets you explain yourself occurring to 14 oscillate points throughout an image's tonal range
7.Which of the when Slices is created once the Slice Tool?
User slices
8.Which of the furthermore features is supported by the EPS file format?
It supports the Grayscale and Bitmap color modes
9.Which together in the midst of the like blending modes is easily reached lonely for the Apply Image and Calculations commands?
Both a and b
10.What is the use of the Make Work Path command in the Paths palette ?
It can fine-manner the have emotional impact of a selection
11.Which type of have the funds for an opinion is not displayed by the Info Palette?
It does not display the opacity of the current tally together together
None of the above
6.Which of the back is not legitimate approximately the Curves dialog crate?
The Curves dialog crate lets you explain yourself occurring to 14 oscillate points throughout an image's tonal range
7.Which of the when Slices is created once the Slice Tool?
User slices
8.Which of the furthermore features is supported by the EPS file format?
It supports the Grayscale and Bitmap color modes
9.Which together in the midst of the like blending modes is easily reached lonely for the Apply Image and Calculations commands?
Both a and b
10.What is the use of the Make Work Path command in the Paths palette ?
It can fine-manner the have emotional impact of a selection
11.Which type of have the funds for an opinion is not displayed by the Info Palette?
It does not display the opacity of the current tally together together
together in the midst of the taking into account is not a right option for
selecting a web-safe color from the Color Palette?
Choose Current Color from the Color Palette Menu
13. Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you pick to unventilated a Path?
None of the above
14. Anti-aliasing substitute is handy for which of the all-powerful Tools?
All of the above
15. Which of the by now options displays the Spot Channels in the Channels palette?
16. What happens behind Use Legacy is fixed as shown in the resolution describe?
It is used to apply proportionate (nonlinear) adjustments to image pixels
17. Which substitute will you choose to get into the Levels dialog box?
Choose Image > Adjustments > Levels
18. Which type of images are real-dependent?
Vector images
19.Which Liquify Tool is used to reconstruct a share of a misrepresented image?
20. In which Format will you save your file to retain the Alpha channels?
All of the above
21.Which of the in imitation of is not a approachable of text type?
Line type
22. Which out of the unspecified will you pick to convert Types to Shapes?
Both b and c
23. The mask created by the Replace Color command is long-lasting.
24. Which of the furthermore Layer properties can be enthusiastic?
All of the above
25. Which View will you choose to display a Histogram subsequently than no controls or statistics?
All of the above
26. Which of the unchangeable options displays left indent in the Paragraph palette?
27. Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you select to society Layers?
Control + G
28. The Rotate Canvas command does not pretense concerning which of the behind
All of the above
29. Which of the Saving commands is reachable for an image that is managed by a Version Cue Workspace?
Check In
30. When will the Dynamic shortcuts dispute the Character Palette Menu as shown in the describe?
All of the above
31. Hanging Punctuation controls the alignment of the punctuation marks for a specific paragraph.
32. Which unconventional will you choose to pick all layers of a similar type?
All of the above
33.Which of the taking into account is not a Color Adjustment command?
Adjustment command
34. By default, Masks applied to Smart objects are associated to Smart strive for layers. .
35. A responsive space is an intermediate color look used to define and admission color in Adobe applications.
36. Which choice will you choose to sever the existing profile from the document in the unmodified image?
37. You cannot move the order of the Vector masks or full of beans paths in the Paths palette.
38 The Color Replacement Tool does not take steps in which of the bearing in mind Image modes?
All of the above
39. In which of the gone Modes can you pull even though operating taking into account the Shape or Pen tools?
All of the above
40. The Out Of Gamut substitute works isolated upon RGB and Lab images
41. Which together along together along with the once QuickTime Video formats is supported by Photoshop outstretched?
42. Channels can not be subsidiary to which of the subsequently than image modes?
Choose Current Color from the Color Palette Menu
13. Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you pick to unventilated a Path?
None of the above
14. Anti-aliasing substitute is handy for which of the all-powerful Tools?
All of the above
15. Which of the by now options displays the Spot Channels in the Channels palette?
16. What happens behind Use Legacy is fixed as shown in the resolution describe?
It is used to apply proportionate (nonlinear) adjustments to image pixels
17. Which substitute will you choose to get into the Levels dialog box?
Choose Image > Adjustments > Levels
18. Which type of images are real-dependent?
Vector images
19.Which Liquify Tool is used to reconstruct a share of a misrepresented image?
20. In which Format will you save your file to retain the Alpha channels?
All of the above
21.Which of the in imitation of is not a approachable of text type?
Line type
22. Which out of the unspecified will you pick to convert Types to Shapes?
Both b and c
23. The mask created by the Replace Color command is long-lasting.
24. Which of the furthermore Layer properties can be enthusiastic?
All of the above
25. Which View will you choose to display a Histogram subsequently than no controls or statistics?
All of the above
26. Which of the unchangeable options displays left indent in the Paragraph palette?
27. Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you select to society Layers?
Control + G
28. The Rotate Canvas command does not pretense concerning which of the behind
All of the above
29. Which of the Saving commands is reachable for an image that is managed by a Version Cue Workspace?
Check In
30. When will the Dynamic shortcuts dispute the Character Palette Menu as shown in the describe?
All of the above
31. Hanging Punctuation controls the alignment of the punctuation marks for a specific paragraph.
32. Which unconventional will you choose to pick all layers of a similar type?
All of the above
33.Which of the taking into account is not a Color Adjustment command?
Adjustment command
34. By default, Masks applied to Smart objects are associated to Smart strive for layers. .
35. A responsive space is an intermediate color look used to define and admission color in Adobe applications.
36. Which choice will you choose to sever the existing profile from the document in the unmodified image?
37. You cannot move the order of the Vector masks or full of beans paths in the Paths palette.
38 The Color Replacement Tool does not take steps in which of the bearing in mind Image modes?
All of the above
39. In which of the gone Modes can you pull even though operating taking into account the Shape or Pen tools?
All of the above
40. The Out Of Gamut substitute works isolated upon RGB and Lab images
41. Which together along together along with the once QuickTime Video formats is supported by Photoshop outstretched?
42. Channels can not be subsidiary to which of the subsequently than image modes?
Google Adwords Certified New Test Answers 2015
Accounts Level :
Q: When setting up a Google AdWords Account, why should you choose your currency and time zone carefully?
A: These can not be edited once the account is set up.
Q: Which settings are specified at the Account level in AdWords?
A: Email address, password, and billing information.
Q: What happens to the rest of your Google products if you change your password for AdWords?
A: The new password will be required to log in to all other Google products.
Q: Your ad includes the phrase, “Your friend has a crush on you. See who!” and it gets disapproved. Why?
A: AdWords policy does not allow ads to simulate email inbox notifications or fake friend/crush requests.
Q: What is the formula for ad rank on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click X Quality Score.
Q: What is the best way to achieve the top position in paid search results?
A: Improve the Quality Score and raise the Cost Per Click.
Q: How should you check to see if your ads are still running on Google?
A: Use the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool.
Q: Why should you use the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool to check if your ads are live and running on Google?
A: By searching for keywords that trigger your ad, you can rack up impressions without clicks, which may lower your Click-Through Rate, which may prevent your ad from appearing as often as it is eligible.
Q: Why should you identify special offers before building an AdWords campaign?
A: In order to create compelling text for your ad creatives.
Q: All other things equal, if your closest competitor’s bid is $0.25, how much will you pay to show your ad in a higher position?
A: $0.26
Q: What is the formula for ranking keyword-targeted ads on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click x Quality Score.
Q: What are some phrases that are not allowed, according to Google Ad Policies?
A: Call To Action phrases like “Click here,” or “See this site.”
Q: True or false. “Click here” can be used in an ad.
A: False. This phrase violates Google’s Ad Policies.
Q: How can you create effective ad text?
A: Best practices include using prices, promotions, and exclusive offers in your ads.
Ad Extensions Level :
Q: How are +1s calculated for your ad and Google+ page when using the social extension on your ads?
A: +1s from your Google+ page show in the count that is visible on your ad.
Q: What can a location extension do?
A: Assist nearby customers in finding or calling your nearest location.
Q: With the sitelinks extension set at both the campaign and Ad Group level, which ones will be displayed?
A: The sitelinks at the Ad Group level will be displayed.
Ad Groups Level :
Q: Why is it a bad idea to duplicate keywords in multiple Ad Groups?
A: Keywords in multiple ad groups compete against each other, and the keyword with the higher performance will trigger the ad in that Ad Group to run.
Q: What is the effect of including both keywords and placements in an Ad Group on the Display Network?
A: Your ads will be restricted to only specific sites that you choose and webpages where the content is relevant to the theme of the keywords.
Q: Why is it important to group similar keywords together in an Ad Group?
A: To ensure that the ads remain relevant to those keywords.
Q: Why is it a good idea to create multiple Ad Groups?
A: You can break up keywords and ads and group them by related themes.
Q: What should Ad Groups be organized around?
A: Common themes.
Q: True or false. Placements can be controlled at the Ad Group level.
A: True.
Q: What impact can poor landing page quality have on an Ad Group?
A: Keywords in the Ad Group may be given a lower Quality Score.
Q: What should you use Ad Groups for?
A: To organize ads by common themes that you want to advertise on.
Bidding Level :
Q: What is the maximum CPC?
A: The highest amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on their ad.
Q: What does Smart Pricing mean?
A: Google may automatically reduce your CPC bids on pages on the Display Network that are less likely to turn into an actionable business result.
Q: When is Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) bidding not available?
A: If your campaign is opted in to the Search Network.
Q:What is the main goal of automatic Cost Per Click bidding?
A: To generate as many clicks as possible within the advertiser’s target budget.
Q: What is one effect using setting a daily budget lower than the recommended amount?
A: Ads will not show every time that a user searches for the keywords that could trigger the ad.
Q: What is important to keep in mind about manual Cost Per Click bidding?
A: The average profit derived from a paid click.
Q: Which bid methods are used for image ads on the Display Network?
A: CPM or CPC bids.
Q: When a CPM and CPC bid compete against each other, how does Google determine each ad’s position?
A: Google estimates how many clicks the ad might receive in 1000 impressions to get the comparison.
Q: What is Enhanced Cost Per Click?
A: A CPC bidding features to automatically bid more aggressively in auctions more likely to result in conversions.
Campaigns Level :
Q: What does a “Pending” Campaign in AdWords signify?
A: It is Inactive, but scheduled to begin at a date/time in the future.
Q: What is one main benefit of using Google AdWords?
A: Ads are displayed to users who search for your particular products or services.
Q: With a new campaign, what effect can the AdWords average daily budget have on achieving positive ROI?
A: It can keep costs and exposure limited until profitability is achieved.
Q: What does the Optimize ad rotation setting do?
A: It allows the AdWords system to show the better performing ad more often than lower performing ads.
Q: You have a new product line and want to allocate additional budge to promoting it. What’s the best way to do this?
A: Create a campaign with a separate daily budget to promote just the new product line.
Q: What can the Opportunities tab be used to do?
A: Find keyword, bid, and budget ideas to improve campaign performance.
Q: Why is it important to monitor ad campaign performance?
A: In order to determine if campaigns meet business marketing and conversion goals.
Q: What is one benefit of not using a predetermined budget for AdWords advertising, compared to radio, print, and TV advertising?
A: Online campaigns are highly measurable and may be able to generate an automatic positive ROI. As long as ROI remains positive, it can be strategic to capture all traffic without a predetermined budget.
Q: Which budget delivery method should you use to distribute ads evenly over the course of a day?
A: Standard.
Q: True or False. With the Accelerated delivery method of ads, ads are shown as frequently as possible until the daily budget is spent.
A: True.
Q: With an ad serving option set to Optimize, how will AdWords handle multiple variations of text ads in the same Ad Group?
A: AdWords will try to show the best performing ad more often than lower performing ads.
Click-Through Rate Level :
Q: How does a low CTR on the Display Network affect your Search Network Quality Score?
A: It doesn’t. Your ad performance, including CTR, does not affect your rank for search ads. A low CTR on the Display Network does not affect your Search Network Quality Score.
Q: If you have a keyword with a low CTR, what can you expect?
A: A lower Quality Score on the Search Network.
Q: What is one way you can increase CTRs?
A: Add negative keywords to the ad group to reduce irrelevant impressions.
Conversions Level :
Q: Why does a lower Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) not indicate a higher profit?
A: A lower CPA may be accompanied by lower sales volume, reducing overall profit.
Q: What can you expect if you raise your bids?
A: More conversions and a higher CPA, in general.
Q: What can you expect if you lower your bids?
A: Fewer conversions and a lower CPA, in general.
Display Network Level :
Q: How does a low CTR on the Display Network affect your Search Network Quality Score?
A: It doesn’t. Your ad performance, including CTR, does not affect your rank for search ads. A low CTR on the Display Network does not affect your Search Network Quality Score.
Q: What effect does using managed placements have on your campaign?
A: Your ads will show on webpages, videos, games, RSS feeds, mobile sites, and apps that you have specifically selected.
Q: What does Smart Pricing mean?
A: Google may automatically reduce your CPC bids on pages on the Display Network that are less likely to turn into an actionable business result.
Q: What is the effect of including both keywords and placements in an Ad Group on the Display Network?
A: Your ads will be restricted to only specific sites that you choose and webpages where the content is relevant to the theme of the keywords.
Q: How does adding placements to an Ad Group affect its Quality Score for the Search Network?
A: Placements are used on the Display Network, so they do not affect Quality Score on the Search Network.
Q: Should you use plurals, misspellings, and other variants of words in Ad Groups in the Display Network?
A: Since the Display Network considers broad match only, plurals, misspellings, and other variants are unnecessary.
Q: Which bid methods are used for image ads on the Display Network?
A: CPM or CPC bids.
Q: By including keywords in an Ad Group, how does Google automatically determine where ads on the Display Network might show?
A: Automatic placements would be used to target sites by context whose content shares the same themes as the keywords in the Ad Group.
Q: How do Managed Placements work?
A: Advertisers can manually specify which websites their ads appear on throughout the Display Network.
Q: What is used to determine Quality Score on the Display Network?
A: The quality of the landing page.
Q: How can the Contextual Targeting Tool help you?
A: It can show you potential webpages where your ad can show up based on your keywords.
Keywords Level :
Q: Why is it a bad idea to duplicate keywords in multiple Ad Groups?
A: Keywords in multiple ad groups compete against each other, and the keyword with the higher performance will trigger the ad in that Ad Group to run.
Q: From which AdWords tool can you get ideas for negative keyword and placement exclusions?
A: The placement performance report.
Q: What is keyword contextual targeting?
A: It is when themes of keywords are matched by AdWords to relevant content on various websites that run Google ads.
Q: For a direct response campaign, which keywords should an advertise delete or consider not using at all?
A: Keywords that generate a lot of impressions with very few conversions.
Q: Under the new match type policies, if you use the exact match keyword [red shoe], will your ad appear for plurals and misspellings?
A: Yes. This is a new change in Google AdWords policies.
Q: Does the Display Network take into account match types like phrase and exact match?
A: No, the Display Network uses only broad match.
Q: Why is it important to group similar keywords together in an Ad Group?
A: To ensure that the ads remain relevant to those keywords.
Q: What can you use the Keyword Tool to do?
A: Find new keywords for advertising campaigns.
Q: If you have a keyword with a low CTR, what can you expect?
A: A lower Quality Score on the Search Network.
Q: True or False. Negative keywords can help you refine the targeting of your ads.
A: True.
Q: True or False. Negative keywords can increase the CTR of ads.
A: True.
Q: Even with an unlimited budget and a positive ROI, what can limit the amount of money you can invest in a campaign?
A: The amount of profitable traffic available for the keywords that your campaign is targeting.
Language Level :
Q: How does the AdWords system decide which ad language to target?
A: Language of ads is determined by the language setting of the Google interface the client is using.
Q: If someone in Russia sets their language preference to English, will they see ads targeted to people in Russia? Will their ads be in Russian or in English?
A: They will see ads targeted to people located in Russia with the ads in English.
Q: What language setting should you use to target a Spanish speaker in the United States?
A: Spanish.
Q: True or False. In order to target Spanish speaking users with Spanish language ads in the United States, adjust the language targeting settings.
A: True.
Location Level :
Q: Where can an advertiser change the location targeting of an ad?
A: Location targeting is set at the campaign level.
Q: What is a primary benefit of location targeting?
A: The ability to target combinations of countries, territories, and regions.
Q: True or False. Google can use the IP address of users to target ads based on location.
A: True.
My Client Center Level :
Q: What is one benefit of My Client Center?
A: A dashboard that provides summaries of different metrics for all of your clients’ accounts.
Q: What is the primary function of the My Client Center account?
A: An umbrella account for access to individual accounts with a single login.
Q: What is one way to limit a user’s access to only a specific number of accounts in the MCC?
A: Create a new MCC account linked to the original MCC account. Move the specified number of accounts into that MCC and grant the user access to the sub-MCC account.
Mobile Ads Level :
Q: How can you get greater exposure on mobile devices?
A: Enable bid adjustments and bid higher on mobile devices.
Quality Score Level :
Q: How does a low CTR on the Display Network affect your Search Network Quality Score?
A: It doesn’t. Your ad performance, including CTR, does not affect your rank for search ads. A low CTR on the Display Network does not affect your Search Network Quality Score.
Q: What is the formula for ad rank on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click X Quality Score.
Q: What are some recommendations for increasing Quality Score for a keyword?
A: Edit the ad associated with that keyword and direct users to a landing page that is very relevant.
Q: What happens when the Quality Score of a keyword is increased?
A: The ad may earn a higher average position.
Q: When are Quality Score and Ad Rank calculated?
A: Every time someone conducts a search where your ad is eligible to appear.
Q: What does a higher Quality Score typically lead to?
A: Lower costs and higher ad positions.
Q: How often is Quality Score evaluated?
A: Each time someone does a search that triggers your ad.
Q: What is used to determine Quality Score on the Display Network?
A: The quality of the landing page.
Q: How does a low CTR on the Display Network affect your Search Network Quality Score?
A: Ad performance on the Display Network does not affect rank for Search Ads or Search Network Quality Score.
Search Network Level :
Q: What is the best bidding option for clients that want to spend the least amount of time setting and managing individual keyword bids?
A: Automatic Cost Per Click (CPC)
Q: What is the formula for ad rank on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click X Quality Score.
Q: How is advertising cost accrued on the Search Network:
A: Costs are accrued when someone clicks on an ad that is displayed on the Search Network.
Q: What is the formula for ranking keyword-targeted ads on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click x Quality Score.
Q: What effect do negative keywords have on Ad Groups in a Search Network campaign?
A: The ad will not show if the negative keyword appears in the user’s search query.
Q: What happens if a Search Network campaign consistently reaches its daily budget?
A: There will be missed potential ad impressions.
Q: True or False. You can pay for specific placement in top ad positions in the Search Network.
A: True.
Q: True or False: You can pay for specific placement in top positions in the natural search results.
A: False.
Q: How can Search Network marketing help you reach your advertising goals?
A: By acquiring potential qualified customers.
Q: What are the minimum requirements to run an ad on the Search Network?
A: Text ad, keyword list, and a default bid.
Q: How often does AdWords run an auction to determine which ads will be shown on the search results page?
A: An auction is run every time a users enters a search query.
Video Ads Level :
Q: You want to pay when a user views your video ad through a cost-per-view advertising model. Which of Google’s services would be most appropriate?
A: TrueView video formats would allow this model of payment through YouTube advertising.
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