oDesk Macromedia Flash 8 Test Answers 2015

1. If you draw into a Mask layer and the content of the Masked layer is unaffected until you test the movie, what is the problem?
• There is no problem. There is no way to see the effect of masking until you test the movie
• You need to hide the masked layer
• You need to lock both layers
• You need to hide and lock the masked layer
2. Where can you attach a Flash movie within your HTML file?
• Anywhere in the HTML file
• In the tables
• In the frames
• All of the above

3. Which tool has been highlighted with yellow in the given image?
• Selection Tool
• Line Tool
• Rectangle Tool
• Free Transform Tool
4. Which of the following is true about methods?
• Methods are assigned to objects
• Methods are assigned to graphics
• Methods are never assigned
• Both a and b
5. Sync settings will always ________________________.
• Control exactly how a particular instance of your sound will play
• Finish in 10 seconds
• Cause the sound to remain partially synchronized
• None of the above
6. In the Layer Stacking order, which layer appears in the foreground?
• The layer named Layer 1
• The layer at the bottom
• The layer at the top
• The layer named Foreground
7. How are particular frames designated to be Printable from the Flash player?
• By labelling each frame as #p
• By labelling each frame as *p
• By creating the printable area shape on a frame labeled Print
• None of the above
8. Are all the formats that Flash can export visible under the Publish Settings dialog box's Formats tab?
• Yes, this is where you specify details for such exported files
• No, Flash can export other file types from File ->Export Movie (and File->Export Image)
• No, Flash will export other types of files. However, you cannot control the export details, so they are not listed here
• Yes, you can only export those formats which are visible here
9. With the Sound Panel -> Open menu option, you are trying to select a particular sound clip from the drop down list, but it doesn't appear in the list. You know that you imported it because you can see it in the Library. What could be the reason?
• You haven't selected the Keyframe on which you want to add the sound
• Your sound library is empty
• The size of the sound file must be too big
• None of the above
10. What is the ideal number of Shape Hints to use for a good Shape Tween?
• 10
• Not more than 5
• Not more than the necessary number
• Only one
11. In the figure, the left-most option (in the red outline) denotes "Show/Hide the Layer" and the middle option (in the green outline) denotes "Lock/Unlock the Layer".  What does the third option denote (in the blue outline)?
• Mask/Unmask the layer
• Delete/Undelete the layer
• Copy the layer
• None of the above
12. According to the suggested procedure for creating a Motion Tween, what should you always do before inserting Keyframes?
• Save the file because flash is likely to crash
• Ensure the object in the first Keyframe is a symbol
• Set the instance properties of the symbol in the first Keyframe to tint
• None of the above
13. Which of the following is the correct syntax for the loadVariables function?
• loadVariables (url ,location [, variables]);
• loadVariables (url ,location , variables);
• loadVariables (url ,[, variables]);
• loadVariables (location [, variables]);
14. Which syntax is used to attach a movie and set its _x and _y parameters?
• attachMovie( "FClip", "mc1", 101, { _x: 10, _y: 20 } );
• attachMovie( "FClip", "mc1", 101, { _x= 10, _y= 20 } );
• attachMovie( "FClip", "mc1", 101, _x: 10 _y: 20 );
• None of the above
15. Which dialog box has been shown in the figure?
• Edit Envelope
• Custom Ease in Ease out
• Filters
• None of the above
16. How do you make sound loop forever?
• You cannot, but you can type a really high number in the loop field of the Sound panel, and that is close enough
• Type infinity into the Loop field
• See that the sound file has the word "loop" in the filename
• Use Actionfiltered=infinity;
• None of these
17. What can be done using the Color Mixer?
• Load palettes
• Save palettes
• Add swatches
• Save both palettes and swatches
18. A web site is being designed in Macromedia Flash where the text is going to be pulled from a data source. What kind of text field should be used?
• Static
• Input
• Variable
• Dynamic
19. In order to keep the flash file size low, which of the following should be used the least?
• Multiple Flash movies
• Graphics
• Sound
• Movie clips
20. Which of the following is a Clip event?
• MouseDown
• press
• release
• rollout
21. What actions should be performed to set up a guides (not guide layers) in Macromedia Flash?
• Control + G (PC shortcut)
• Control + Alt + Shift + R (PC shortcut)
• Click and drag on the horizontal and vertical rulers in the tool pallet
• Select Window > Guides and make your selection from the guide panel
• Select View > Rulers, then click and drag on the horizontal and vertical rulers
22. Pick the statement that is true:
• You cannot set or change the values of variables in Actionscript
• You can give two variables the same name
• a is true and b is false
• Both a and b are false
23. Which of the following statements is true regarding vector graphics?
• Vector graphics are resolution dependent
• Vector graphics are drawn mathematically and do not appear pixelated when enlarged
• Vector graphics appear pixelated when enlarged
• None of the above
24. What is the difference between Flash and Shockwave?
• Flash is the program that is used to create Shockwave files (.swf files). Shockwave is simply the plug-in that plays Shockwave files on the web
• They are not different at all
• Flash is used for designing graphics for webpages while Shockwave is used for designing templates
• None of the above
25. How do you increase the download efficiency of a Flash movie?
• By using the attachMovie script to allow multiple movies to play
• By designating a target's location area as a graphic symbol
• By loading important formation first and trivial animations last
• All of the above
26. Identify the Toolbar shown in the figure.
• Main toolbar
• Status toolbar
• Controller toolbar
• None of the above
27. Which is the correct syntax for creating an object within another object?
• person1.address.street = "123 Main Street";
• person1.address:street = "123 Main Street";
• person1,address,street = "123 Main Street";
• person1.address,street = "123 Main Street";
28. Which statements holds true for dynamic text fields?
• They can be used for static text
• They can be used for static block text
• They can be altered by every text attribute
• They are used for scrollable text
29. In the figure, what is the function of the button marked in red?
• It duplicates the scene which is selected
• It edits the scene which is selected
• It deletes the scene which is selected
• It creates a new scene
30. What is the maximum number of buttons that you can use in an interface?
• Five, plus or minus 2
• Fewer than 10
• As many as are needed
• Only one
31. What is the function of Color Swatches panel?
• It lets you create new colors
• It lets you export a color palette
• It lets you select colors
• All of the above
32. In Flash, Objects have:
• Properties
• Behaviors
• Styles
• Events
33. Which of the following is a data type of a variable?
• Number
• Expression
• Frame
• Method
34. When does the dotted line appear on the motion tweened frames, as shown in the figure?
• When the tween has first keyframe missing
• When the tween has last keyframe missing
• When the tween has first and last keyframes missing
• All of the above
35. Can you have two different sounds in two different instances of one button?
• No
• Yes
• It depends on the sound loops. If the sound loops, you can; otherwise you cannot.
36. The effect of the option "orient to path" in the Frame panel for a Motion Tween is that:
• The instance being tweened will rotate toward the direction it's traveling
• The instance being tweened will rotate opposite the direction it's traveling
• The instance will follow the path in the guide layer
• None of the above
37. What is the visual effect of a movie that has a Keyframe in every frame?
• It will appear very smooth
• It will appear jumpy
• It will have no visual effect
• None of the above
38. which file extension is used for swatch?
• txt
• psd
• png
• clr
39. State whether true or false:

Functions are blocks of reusable code.
• True
• False
40. State whether true or false:

Objects are collections of properties and methods.
• True
• False
41. When a sound file is imported into a flash document, where is it stored?
• In a button
• In the document's Library and Timeline
• In the document's Library
• In the document's Timeline
42. A Motion Tween requires two Keyframes. When establishing that you want a tween between these two Keyframes, exactly where do you make your tween settings?
• In the effect panel of the symbol in keyframe1
• In the second Keyframes frame panel
• In the first Keyframes frame panel
• None of the above
43. With which of the following tools are the buttons that are shown in the figure associated?
• Line tool
• Pencil tool
• Brush tool
• None of the above
44. Is it necessary to use the Get URL Action only on buttons?
• Yes it is, otherwise, you would not know exactly when the user wanted to navigate to a new Web page
• No, you could also put the Action on a Keyframe or a clip instance (like any Action)
• No, you can put Get URL on Keyframes but not inside a clip instance
• No, you can use Get URL only in clip instances
45. state whether true or false:

The Timeline of a button is unique and not same as that of a flash movie clip.
• True
• False
46. What is Action Panel used for?
• To add ActionScript to an instance of a graphic
• To add ActionScript to an instance of a button
• Edit symbols
• Edit graphics
47. How many frames will the tween need in order to create a 4-second tween in a movie with a frame rate of 18 frames per second?
• 4
• 18
• 72
• 90
48. Which tools make up a majority of the toolbar?
• Text tools
• Drawing tools
• Transform tools
• Selection tools
49. State whether true or false:
Function literals are reusable.
• True
• False
50. Which of the following is a way to scale an object?
• The Transform panel
• The Properties panel
• Both a & b
• None of the above
51. Which of the following statements holds true for scenes?
• They can be created using the loadScene command
• They can run independently of the main Timeline
• They play back in the order listed in the Scene panel
• They can be found in the Library
52. Which of the following is true when you are naming a variable?
• The name must be typed in all caps
• The variable doesn't need a name
• The name must be a valid identifier
• The name must match the name of a symbol in the Library
53. How can you load external variables?
• Through an external text file
• By calling the LoadVars object
• By calling the loadVariables action
• All of the above
54. Which of the following symbols can have instance names?
• Graphics
• Audio
• Bitmaps
• Movie clips
55. How can you animate figure A into figure B as if the bee is flying along the path from the hive to the flower?
• By using Motion Tweening
• By using the concept of Guide layers
• By simply drawing a curve with the Pencil tool
• None of the above
56. If you want to rotate (that is, set the rotation property of) a movie that gets loaded, into which location must you load it?
• A Target clip
• A Level number
• Either Target Clip or Level number
• Neither Target Clip or Level number
57. Which statement holds true for device fonts?
• Device fonts are added to your final file size
• Device fonts are embedded within your final file
• Device fonts do not guarantee the final viewed result is what you had designed
• Device fonts can be found only on your computer
58. How many layers can be masked by setting one layer to mask?
• One, if you want two layers to be masked, each must have its own mask
• As many as you want
• None, it's the other way round, one masked layer can have lots of mask layers under it
• None of the above
59. Which of the following file formats is not supported by Flash?
60. Which of the following does Timeline contain?
• Layers
• Symbols
• Movie clips
• None of the above
61. If you reduce a file to half its file size, how fast will it download?
• This is impossible to calculate because everyone has a connection speed that varies
• Twice as fast as it would otherwise
• This is impossible to calculate because you need to know the movie's dimensions(height and width)
• It will take the same time as earlier
62. Which dialog box is shown in the figure?
• Edit Envelope
• Custom Ease in Ease out
• Filters
• None of the above
63. Why is the color of the two layers different?
• In Layer 1 there is Motion Tweening and in Layer 2 there is Shape Tweening
• You can assign any color to any layer
• In Layer 1 there is Shape Tweening and in Layer 2 there is Motion Tweening
• None of the above
64. Which of the following is true about ActionScript?
• It is the sister language of C++
• It is the sister language of Java
• It is the sister language of HTML
• It is an object-oriented scripting language
65. Do Guide layers become visible when you export the movie?
• Yes, they are visible and not locked
• Yes, they are visible and locked
• No, they are not visible
• None of the above
66. Which is an attribute of ActionScript syntax?
• Semicolons
• Kerning
• Java
67. If your movie properties are set to a framerate of 60fps, how long will it take to reach frame 90?
• 1.5 seconds exactly
• 1.5 seconds or more
• less than 1.5 seconds
• None of the above
68. which of the following text format is used in Flash?
• Static
• Embedded
• Kerning
• Device
69. Which statement holds true for the symbols?
• A graphic symbol is read once from the library, no matter how many times it is used within the movie
• A graphic symbol is read every time from the library, it is used within the movie
• Each part of the symbol is read several times from the library
• Only movie clips are read from the library
70. Why should gratuitous special effects be avoided?
• They can distract the user from your core message
• They can slow down performance and increase download times
• They decrease the speed of your movie
• All of the above
71. What is the use of timeOut in the following:
loadVariables ("news.txt", ""); timeOut = getTimer();
• The timeOut variable is used to abort after a while if the file doesn't load
• It will contain the current time
• It will contain the current date and time
• None of the above
72. which of the following is an effective way to optimize your Flash document?
• Use a preloader
• Use sound in stereo
• Use embedded fonts
• All of the above
73. What is not true about Timeline?
• The Timeline contains frames, keyframes, and layers
• The Timeline contains frames and mask layers
• The Timeline contains frames, symbols, and layers
• The Timeline contains layers
74. Which of the following is true?
• Panels have their own timelines
• The Align panel aligns objects to the stage and to each other
• The Align panel aligns objects to the stage only
• The Properties panel is used to add actions
75. In the given figure, Which sound sync has been associated with the keyframe that makes the blue square appear?
• Event
• Start
• Stop
• Stream
76. What action do the buttons in the figure perform?
• The one on the left is used to change effects and the one on the right is used to change colors
• The one on the left is used for directly switching between scenes and the one on the right is used for switching between graphic symbols (Tweens)
• The one on the left is used to change instances and the one on the right is used to change scenes
• None of the above
77. Which of the following is not a flash built-in object?
• Array
• Graphic
• Date
• String
78. Which of the following is not a method of the Sound object?
• setDate
• setVolume
• setPan
• setTransform
79. Which of the following statements will delete the object named person1?
• delete person1; || delete the object
• delete person1; // delete the object
• delete person1; \\ delete the object
• You cannot delete an object once it has been created
80. With which of the following option(s) are the items shown in the figure associated?
• Graphic symbol
• Movie clip
• Button
• Scene
81. What will be the output of the following Actionscript statement, where doublemyname and firstname are strings doublemyname=firstname*2?
• It will write the value of firstname two times
• An error is generated because a mathematical operator is being used with a string
• It will display firstname2
• None of the above
82. Is the URL Action the only way to create a hyperlink in Flash?
• Yes, except if you do it in HTML
• No, there is an entire section of Actions in the Toolbox list to create hyperlinks
• No, there are also some automatic ways to create hyperlinks with text
• Yes, it is the only way out
83. What is the function of paint bucket tool?
• Altering the size of an object
• Altering the stroke color of an object
• Altering the fill color of an object
• Altering both the fill and stroke of an object
84. Pick the statement that is true.
• The higher the bit depth, the better the sound quality
• A stereo sound file is always twice as large as the same sound in mono
• MP3 compression reduces the file size with minimal sacrifice to quality
• All the above statements are true
• None are true
85. State whether true or false:

Methods are the functions that an object can perform.
• True
• False
86. Which syntax is used to read the properties of an object:
• trace( person1.firstName );
• trace( person1[ "firstName" ] );
• Both a & b
• None of the above
87. What is the criteria for a shape tween to occur?
• The first keyframe needs to be a symbol
• Both the first and the last keyframes must contain the same symbol
• The last keyframe needs to be a symbol
• Neither keyframe should contain a symbol
88. What determines the size of a sound file?
• Bit rate only
• Sampling frequency
• Both a & b
• None of the above
89. Examine the following scenario:

I made a Guide layer and then I made a 40-frame Motion Tween. I was careful to set the layer's properties so that there is a motion guide above the guided layer. However, when I try to attach the contents of frame 40 in the guided layer to the guide, the guide is missing. What could be the reason?
• It is likely that the duration of the Guide layer is less than 40 frames (probably just 1 frame)
• Your motion guide layer may be static
• Something may be wrong while drawing the path
• None of the above
90. Where do you place sounds in order to hear them in the final movie?
• In the library, in symbols, or in Keyframes
• In Keyframes
• In the sound layer
• On the stage
• Anywhere
91. What is the criteria for a motion tween to occur?
• The first keyframe needs to be a symbol
• Both the first and the last keyframes must contain the same symbol
• The last keyframe needs to be a symbol
• None of the above
92. Which of the following is a Button event?
• Mouse down
• Mouse up
• Load
• Press
93. How do you include a Quicktime video in your published .swf file?
• You cannot do so
• Just import a Quicktime file using File >Import from the menu
• Import the Quicktime file and be sure to select Quicktime from the Formats tab of Publish Settings
• Quicktime is already installed
94. Which of the following can have an event associated with itself?
• Button
• Static text
• Motion Guide Layer
• Graphic
95. Which type of tween will result in a smaller file, shape or motion?
• Shape
• Motion
• It depends on how many colors are used in the file
• It depends upon how many graphics has been used
96. If you set the framerate to 2 frames per second, what is the visual result?
• The animation will look jumpy
• You will see the blank(black) pauses between frames
• Subliminal messages will be seen between each frame
• This framerate will not be accepted because 12 fps is the min. rate by default
97. What is the function of the hit frame of a button?
• It lets you create an invisible button
• It lets you define the rollover state of the button
• It lets you see its contents
• None of the above
98. If you select the Publish command and nothing seems to happen, is there something wrong?
• Yes, Publish has a bug and doesn't actually work
• Possibly, you need to be connected to the Internet for this command to work
• No, Publish simply exports the files selected in Publish Settings. If you want to see the results, try Publish Preview(or find the exported files)
• Yes, there is something wrong with your Publish Settings
99. Which of the following is not true about objects?
• They organize the toolbox of the Actions panel
• By default, they are rendered in pink within the Script pane of the Actions panel
• They tend to be in multiple places in code and look unorganized
• All of the above
100. State whether true or false:

The Bandwidth Profiler can simulate how a movie will play on a slow computer.
• True, just set your computer speed in the Debug menu
• False, the Bandwidth Profiler only helps you judge a movie's size and how fast it will download
• True, but you have to select Simulate Computer from the View menu
• True, it helps in fast downloading of the movie
101. Which syntax is used to rewind a movie?
• movie.Rewind();
• Rewind();
• gotoframe(1);
• None of the above
102. When you want to edit the position of a symbol instance in a particular Keyframe, what must you first ensure?
• The red current frame marker is in the frame you want to edit
• You concentrate on the frame number you intend to edit then move the instance
• The symbol isn't red
• The frame is active
103. Rollover sound is a sound effect _________________.
• That plays any time a user moves his or her cursor over a button
• That stops sync settings
• That plays several sounds at a time
• None of the above
104. Which of the following sound formats does flash support?
• RealPlayer