Elance Autodesk 3sd Max Test Answers

What is the shortcut for the Material Editor?




What does the G key do?

Hides geometry
Groups selected objects
Hide grid view in the active viewport
Toggles grid view in all viewports
Shows geometry



The X axis is displayed using what color?

None of these



What keyboard short-cut maximises Viewport (toggle on/off)?




What is the DOF?

Drag of Forces
Depth of field
Detaching of form
Detaching of face



What is the keyboard shortcut for opening Material Editor dialog box?




How can I move the camera on a path?

Select the camera go to Rendering / Material Editor / Look at constraint
Select the camera go to Animation / Constraints / path constraint



W, E, and R are shortcut key for which tools?

Transformation tools
Streetfimation tools
Information tools
Transworld tools



where you get the "Boolean" command?

All of the above
Geometry>Extended Objects
Geometry>Compound Objects
Geometry>AEC Extended
Shape>Extended Splines



Holding the wheel between the two mouse buttons down while moving the mouse will do what in the active viewport?

Pan in the viewport, sliding the view around without altering the position of objects
Allow you to move objects temporarily before snapping them to their original position
Scale the size of the viewport, allowing it to take up more of the screen
Allow you to draw a marquee around multiple objects to select them
Cause the material maps on the selected object to reposition by sliding them around on the object



What does Ctrl + X do?

Isolate Selection - hides everything but current selection
Schematic View - shows how items are linked together
Auto Save - turns it on and off
Expert Mode - hiding windows and menus
Curve Editor - opens a window which allows you to edit in and out motions of animation



Radiosity is based on:

Intensity of the light source
The selected rendering engine
Number of lights in a scene
A Global illumination algorithm which calculates the light bouncing back to the eye from the light source.



Which command used to copy and arrange objects in path?

Spacing tools
Razing tools
Sposure tools
Glazing tools



What is the purpose of most Max Scripts?

Enable Max models to be viewed in a web browser
Enables Max to create point cloud data
Export scene objects to a real-time engine
Automate repetitive tasks and control large numbers of objects



What does the ALT + W short cut key do?

Maximizes the active viewport
Changes view style
Toggles sub-object selections
Zooms to selection
Shows wireframe view



How do you move the default location of the pivot point of an object after it has been created?

Right click on the Select and Move tool and check the Affect Pivot Only box
Select the object then hold down the shift key and drag the Pivot Point
Select the object then hold down the alt key and drag the Pivot Point
In the Heirarchy tab select Pivot and Affect Pivot Only, then use the Move tool to move the Pivot Point



What is the extension of Motion File that is used in a Biped?




What is the most widely used external render engine with 3ds max?

Mental Ray



The Z axis is displayed using what color?

None of these



What reactor is used for breaking objects in fragments?

Rigid Body
Soft Body



Why shouldn't you use .AVI, or .MOV file formats for long animation sequences?

These formats are limited to 1000 frames, and will stop render at 1000 frames. Any frames after are lost.
These formats are limited to 5000 frames, and will stop render at 5000 frames. Any frames after are lost.
These formats produce image files, and are not capable of producing animation output.
These formats output to one file at the end of the render job. If there is an error during renders, the file is lost. therefore it's best to render individual frames, and then reassemble frames in Video Post.
3D Studio Max does not support either format.



What axis of a texture map matches the Z axis of a model?

None of these



What axis of a texture map matches the X axis of a model?

None of these



What does the track view dope sheet do?

It allows you to control each curve as its own character for easy in and out movements
It manages layers allowing your to freeze selective layers
None of these
It's an out of date tool that nobody uses anymore
Allow you to adjust key frames faster and move them in time to get a better feel for animation over adjusting curves in a limited time frame



How can we link the following camera to the line?

with path constraint
with select and link
non of these
with path deform



The difference between the orthographic and perspective view modes is _____.

Orthographic enables more rendering elements
Perspective is a more accurate visual representation
Perspective is the only renderable format
Orthographic shows an image without perspective distortion.



What map is used to give shine to an object?

Ambient Level
Specular Color
Specular Level
Ambient Color



What axis of a texture map matches the Y axis of a model?

None of these



How do you invoke Expert Mode?

Alt + M
X key
Ctrl + X
Y key
Ctrl + E



The Y axis is displayed using what color?

None of these



Why are the coordinates of a mapped texture referred to as UVW?

UVW are the three letters before XYZ, which is the object coordinate system, and help us remember which axis of a map lines up with which axis of an object
None of these
UVW is a printing term referring to the resistance of ink fading due to light, so it is used to refer to a map on an object just like ink on paper
UVW stands for Uniform Vertex Web, which is the spread of the related map points over the object
Mapping coordinates are not expressed in terms of UVW



In order to get an object to react to a Force such as Gravity or Push, which button on the Toolbar do you use?

Select and Manipulate
Bind to Space Warp
Select and Link
Curve Editor



Which shortcut is for scaling




Which map creates Illusion of depth?




The yellow lines and shapes that appear in the on screen transformation gizmos signify what?

Which single axis or combination is currently selected for the transformation
Nothing, it is just there to highlight the axis
That you should use caution when performing transformations.
None of these
There is no yellow on the axis



What is the function of back burner?

Network rendering
Reset the rendering settings
Controls the speed of rendering
Add a burn effect to the render



How can we attach an object to a path?

By Creating Group
By adding PathDeform (WSM)
By adding SurfDeform (WSM)
Non of these
By adding PatchDeform (WSM)



Why would you want to use Schematic View?

It shows you the animation curves of the scene
It opens up hidden modeling tools
It shows how items are linked together in the scene
None of these
It shows past render settings



You edit a box to the point where it no longer resembles a box, but a human head. You turn the bounding box back on by pressing "J," and you realize that the Reference Coordinate System is off, as your bounding box is now covering your new head like a diamond. How do you reset the bounding box?

Utilities > Reset XForm, Reset Selected OR Modify > Collapse All / Collapse To
Create > Helpers > Container
Hierarchy > Pivot > Affect Object Only > Modify > Collapse to
You can't; It is stuck this way.



If we want to import an image in our view port what shortcut i this?




In which scene state you can manipulate the attached objects?

Xref Scene
Xref Object



Why would you want to press "7"?

does nothing
Shows stats on your polygon model
allows you to change your layout
opens up the render window
opens the steering wheel options menu



Which portion should be selected to embed Biped into physique modifier?




What is the default shortcut key for Toggle Snap on/off?

None of these
Ctrl + T
Ctrl + S



What keyboard short-cut displays selected object as See-Through (toggle on/off)?




Can processes of Light Tracer and Radiosity be used together?




What does holding the left mouse button down inside the Rotate tool without actually being on an axis do?

None of these
Behaves as a virtual trackball, allowing rotational changes in all three dimensions
Allows us to select an object by clicking on the yellow portion of the axis
Turns on the constrain feature for rotational angles like the tool button in the top of the screen
Automatically rotates the object by 90 degrees in the selected yellow axis



Where do you see nodes in Max?

Schematic View
Graph Editor
Track View



How do you make a viewport active without the danger of accidently selecting or changing an object?

Right click in the desired viewport
Press Ctrl+V and type the name of the viewport
Double click on the viewport name
Left click in the desired viewport



How would you speed up an entire animation?

Adjust it by hand to get the desired look
Open up the Track View Dope Sheet and adjust your animation with the Slide Keys tool
Set timeline to show selective range, select all your frames and drag the end box below your frames while holding LMB (left mouse button)
Change the frame count in the time configuration panel



What does Ctrl + Alt + LMB (Left Mouse Button) do on the timeline?

Nothing at all
Shrinks keys on the timeline so they are closer in time
Highlights the timeline
Expands and shrinks time from less than 0 giving you negative time



How can you scrub through your timeline without resetting the timeline size. You have a 4000 frame timeline and only 250 are visible.

select all your keys and press shift and you move your time line
you have to change it via menu
Click the next or previous frame icon
You use the scroll bar above the time line
click on time line with Ctrl + Alt + MMB



Which of the following is an object based deflector?

U Deflector
S Deflector
Omni Deflector
Are Omni Deflector



The combination of CTRL+Q is standing for what?

Making the object see-throgh
Isolating the selected object
Selecting similar objects to the selection inside the scene
Making a quick render
Expanding the current viewport



What is a clay render?

A clay texture applied to the model
A material you assign to make the model look like clay
A render that has low key lighting
A render which shows off all of the model's details



To apply special effects such as glows to your scene and see the results before rendering your file use:

Rendering > Effects
Views > Effects
Views > Expert Mode
Rendering > Environment
Rendering > Video Post...



Is Data operator Node available In 3Ds Max 2010 Particle System?




Which of the following is not an exposure controller?
