ASP.Net 2.0 using VB Test Answers

1. While using the declaration below, what is the result of clicking on the control?

<input id="Button1" type="button" onclick="return Button1_onclick()"/>
• The browser will invoke the client script function named Button1_onclick
• The page will postback and the server will invoke the Button1_onclick method of the page.
• The declaration is not valid because it does not contain a runat="Server" attribute
• <input /> elements are not valid in ASP.NET web sites

2. By default, the rights of which Windows Account are used by an anonymous Web Site access?
• Administrator
• IUSER_MachineName (where the MachineName is the actual computer name)
• Guest

3. Custom non-fatal exceptions should be derived from:
• ApplicationException
• DataMisalignedException
• ExecutionEngineException
• SystemException
4. Which of the following is  true about VB generics?
• VB allows non-type template parameters
• VB supports explicit specialization
• VB allows the type parameter to be used as the base class for the generic type
• VB allows a generic type parameter itself to be a generic
• VB enforces that all codes are valid for all types of parameters
5. Which of the following does Event Bubbling allow composite controls to perform?
• Propagate container related events to the child controls.
• Propagate child events up to control hierarchy
• Distribute events between peer child controls.
• Translate control unhandled control events into exceptions.
6. Which access limitation does a class member declared "Protected Friend" have?
• Access is limited to the containing class plus any classes derived from the containing class
• Access is limited to the current assembly
• Access is limited to the containing class plus any classes derived from the containing class that are also in the current assembly
• Access is limited to the containing class plus any classes derived from the containing class or any other class in the current assembly
7. Which of the following can be used to preserve state information?
• ApplicationState
• SessionState
• ViewState
• Page Instance Variables
• All of the above
8. Which of the following statement is not true related to Data Provider in ADO.NET?
• It is responsible for providing and maintaining the connection to the database.
• It is a set of related components that work together to provide data in an efficient and performance driven manner.
• It includes a DataAdapter class, which provides a high-performance mechanism for retrieving data
9. Determining the availability of sufficient memory for an operation can be accomplished by:
• There is no supported application level means to determine if a specific amount of memory is available.
• using static methods of System.Runtime.MemoryFailPoint and checking the return value
• creating an instance of System.Runtime.MemoryFailPoint and monitoring for an InsufficientMemoryException
• creating an instance of System.Runtime.MemoryFailPoint and monitoring for an OutOfMemoryException
10. Which of the following tasks are appropriate for accessing a Web Service from the client code?
• Creation of a Style Class to define the behavior.
• Writing a script method to initialize and invoke the methods of the service.
• Addition of HTML Elements to display the results of the Web Service calls.
• Inclusion of the Web Service Schema information as XML
11. Which of the following elements can be adjusted when using the ProcessModel element of the Machine.Config file?
• The number of queued requests before returning "Server Busy (error: 503)"
• The maximum number of threads per processor
• The minimum number of worker threads to use for the process on a per-CPU basis
• The maximum amount of memory utilized per request
12. Of which elements does Generics allow parameterization by type?
• Classes
• Structs
• Methods
• Events
• Fields
13. Which of the following are true about event handling?
• One method may handle events from different sources
• A single event can be handled by multiple methods
• Event handlers must be members of the same class as raised the event
• Event handlers can be dynamically added and removed at runtime
• It is impossible to determine the order in which event handlers will be invoked
14. Which of the following can one use to detect the user's current language?
• Examining the UserLanguages property of the current Request object.
• Examining the CurrentCulture property of the current Request object.
• Examining the CurrentCulture property of the current Thread object.
• Examining the Language property of the current Page object.
15. Which of the following is not a valid attribute for impacting serialization?
• DataContract
• DataMember
• EnumMember
• CollectionDataContract
• DataObject
16. Which of the following characteristics do overloaded methods have?
• They must have the same name
• They must have the same parameter signature
• They must have the same return type
• They must have the same access level
• None of the above
17. In which file are Predefined Client Side Validation Scripts defined?
• WebUIValidation.js
• ClientValidation.js
• AspNetValidation.js
• USerValidation.js
18. Which of the following is correct for Application Center Test (ACT) to perform load testing?
• Simulates a large group of users by opening multiple connections to the server and rapidly sending HTTP requests.
• It also supports several other authentication schemes and the SSL protocol, making it ideal for testing personalized and secure sites.
• It is compatible with all Web servers and Web applications that adhere to the HTTP protocol
• All of the above.
19. Which of the following operators can be overloaded?
• Assignment (=)
• Conditional (AndAlso,OrElse)
• Logical (And, Or, Xor)
• Shift (<<, >>)
20. Which of the following is/are true of the System.Text.StringBuilder class?
• It is less efficient than string concatenation when many concatenations are performed.
• There is a method which formats the string being appended to the StringBuilder, much like the String.Format.
• The StringBuilder is most efficient when initialized using the parameterless constructor.
21. Which of the following are true when comparing built in types for equality?
• Integral types are considered equal if they represent the same value.
• Object types are considered equal if they both refer to the same object or if both are null
• String types are considered equal if they have identical lengths and identical characters in each character position
• String types are considered equal if they have identical dimensions and identical content at each array index
22. Which of the following differentiates a UserControl from a Custom Server control?
• UserControl can directly express rendering information via markup; a Custom Server control can not.
• UserControl does not require the use of the @Register directive; a Custom Server control does require it.
• UserControl can make use of script based validation; a Custom Server control can not.
• UserControl can represent complete compositate hierarchy; a Custom Server control can not.
23. Which of the following types guarantee atomic reads and writes?
• int
• double
• string
• long
• float
24. Which directive allows the utilization of  a custom web control in an ASP.NET page?
• @Register
• @Include
• @Control
• @Import
25. Which of the following are not  valid namespaces in the .NET framework?
• System.Data.OleDb
• System.Data.SqlServer
• System.Data.Oracle
• System.Data.Xml
• System.Data.SqlClient
26. Where should an instance of an object which provides services to all users be stored?
• ApplicationState
• SessionState
• ViewState
• None of the above
27. Which of the following conditions can trigger the automatic recycling of an ASP.NET application hosted in IIS?
• A specific number of requests to the application process.
• An absolute number of bytes process memory utilization .
• A percentage of physical memory utilized by the process.
• A specific time interval
• A specific date and time
28. Which of the following is used to remove a cookie from a client machine?
• Remove the cookie from the System.Web.UI.Page.Request.Cookies collection.
• Remove the cookie from the System.Web.UI.Page.Request.Browser.Cookies collection.
• Set the Expires property to DataTime.Now for a cookie in the Web.UI.Page.Response.Cookies
• Remove the cookie from the System.Web.UI.Page.Response.Cookies collection.
29. Which of the following class is used to divide the time into units such as weeks, months, and years?
• System.DateTime
• System.TimeSpan
• System.Globalization.Calender
• System.Globalization.CultureInfo
30. Which of the following can you do when deleting a DataRow from the DataRowCollection of a DataTable?
• Use the DataRowCollection.Remove method to immediately delete the row.
• Use the DataRowCollection.Remove method to mark the row for deletion when DataRow.AcceptChanges is called.
• Use the DataRow.Delete method to immediately delete the row.
• Use the DataRow.Delete method to mark the row for deletion when DataRowAcceptChanges is called.
31. What does the AndAlso operator do?
• It performs a Boolean AND operation, evaluating both operands
• It performs a Boolean AND operation, evaluating the left-hand side only if the right-hand side is false
• It performs a Boolean AND operation, evaluating the right-hand side only if the left-hand side is false
• It performs a Boolean AND operation, evaluating the right-hand side only if the left-hand side is true
• None of the above
32. Transactions initiated in which of the following are supported by the System.Transactions infrastructure?
• SQL Server
• Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC).
• All of the above
33. Which of the following are valid assignments?
• Dim i As Int32 = Int16.MaxValue
• Dim s As Single = Double.MaxValue
• Dim s2 As String = Int64.MaxValue
• All of the above
34. Which of the following controls allows the use of XSL to transform XML content into formatted content?
• System.Web.UI.WebControls.Xml
• System.Web.UI.WebControls.Xslt
• System.Web.UI.WebControls.Substitution
• System.Web.UI.WebControls.Transform
35. Which of the following are true about declarative attributes?
• They must be inherited from the System.Attribute
• Attributes are instantiated at the same time as instances of the class to which they are applied
• Attribute classes may be restricted only to be applied to application element types
• By default, a given attribute may be applied multiple times to the same application element
36. Where should information about a control created at design time be stored?
• ApplicationState
• SessionState
• ViewState
• None of the above
37. By which of the following can the .NET class methods be included in .aspx files?
• Including .Net code within the script element with the runat attribute set to server
• Including .Net code within the code element
• Including .Net code using the @code directive on the page
• Including .Net code within the execute attribute of the individual control
38. Which of the following are true about Nullable types?
• A Nullable type is a structure.
• An implicit conversion exists from any non-nullable value type to a nullable form of that type.
• Both a) and b)
39. Which of the following are performed to fully debug an ASP.NET Application running on the same machine as the debugger?
• Enabling debug information in the .NET Assembly
• Setting the debug attribute of the compilation element to true in the Web.Con file.
• Setting the debug element of the AspNet element to true in the machine.config file true.
40. What does the OrElse operator do?
• It performs a Boolean OR operation, evaluating both operands
• It performs a Boolean OR operation, evaluating the left-hand side only if the right-hand side is false
• It performs a Boolean OR operation, evaluating the right-hand side only if the left-hand side is false
• None of the above
41. In which of the following ways do structures differ from classes?
• Structures cannot implement interfaces
• Structures cannot inherit from a base structure
• Structures cannot have events
• Structures cannot have overrideable methods
42. Which of the following is not an unboxing conversion?
• Public Sub Sample1(ByVal o As Object) Dim i As Integer = Cint(o) End Sub
• Public Sub Sample1(ByVal vt As ValueType) Dim i As integer = Cint(vt) End Sub
• Enum e Hello World End Enum Public Sub Sample1(ByVal et As System.Enum) Dim e As E = CType(et, E) End Sub
• Public Interface I Property Value() As Integer End Interface Public Sub Sample1(ByVal vt As I) Dim i As Integer = vt.Value EndSub
• Public Class C Private _value As Integer Public Property Value() As Integer Get Return _value End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) _value = value End Set
43. Which of the following operations can NOT be performed inside a catch block?
• Prevention of the caught exception from leaving the catch block
• Allowing the original exception to propagate after it has been caught, with all of the information (including context) intact
• Wrapping the caught exception inside a newly created exception of a different type
• Generating a new exception with no information about the original exception
• Alter the Message , TargetSite and/or StackTrace, of the existing exception before re-throwing
44. Which of the following events should be used for assigning a Theme dynamically to a page?
• PreInit
• Init
• PreLoad
• PreRender
• Render
45. Which of the following are common methods of supplying "Help" information to an ASP.NET application?
• Setting the ToolTip property of a control to a string containing the information.
• using the open method of the browser window object to open a new browser window and display a help related ASP.NET page
• Using the showHelp method of the browser window object to display a topic from a compiled help file (.chm).
• All of the above
46. Which of the following code samples will cause a compilation error?
• Public Class Sample End Class Public Class Sample(Of T) End Class
• Public Class Sample(Of T) End Class Public Class Sample(Of T, U) End Class
• Public Class Sample(Of T As Class) End Class Public Class Sample(Of T As Structure) End Class
• Public Class Sample End Class Public Class Sample(Of T As Class) End Class
47. Which of the following can Interfaces contain?
• methods
• properties
• fields
• conversion operators
• events
48. Which of the following are true regarding validation in an ASP.NET application?
• Server validation should only be used when there is no client side validation.
• All data should be validated on the server side.
• Client Side validation typically provides a faster response (feedback) time than server validation
• A page can not be posted back unless all client validation has passed.
49. Which of the following are required to be true by objects which are going to be used as keys in a System.Collections.HashTable?
• They must handle case-sensitivity identically in both the GetHashCode() and Equals() methods.
• Key objects must be immutable for the duration they are used within a HashTable.
• Get HashCode() must be overridden to provide the same result, given the same parameters, regardless of reference equalityl unless the HashTable constructor is provided with an IEqualityComparer parameter.
• Each Element in a HashTable is stored as a Key/Value pair of the type System.Collections.DictionaryElement
• All of the above
50. Which method calls will compile the following code?

    Private Sub Sample(ByVal number As Integer, Optional ByVal bool As Boolean = True)
    End Sub
• Sample(1, True)
• Sample(1)
• Sample(bool:=False)
• Sample(bool:=False, number:=1)
• Sample(bool:=False, 1)
51. Which of the following are true for parameters?
• Changes to value parameters always involve making a copy of the original argument
• Items passed as reference parameters must be initialized prior to the call
• Output parameters do not need to be assigned inside the method
• Variable length argument lists are not supported
52. Via which of the following is ViewState maintained by default?
• A hidden variable within the page that is included with each round tip.
• A cookie which resides on the client's computer
• A server side in-process memory cache
• Instance member variables of the Page class
53. When using the Demand method of System.Security.IPermission, which of the following will occur?
• The permissions of the code which invoked the Demand method will be evaluated.
• For permissions which do a stack walk, an exception will occur only if NONE of the calling codes has the required permission
• For permissions which do a stack walk, an exception will occur if ANY of the calling codes does not have the required permission
• The permission levels of individual stack frames are always checked regardless of the permission type.
54. Which of the following event you will use if you want any updates before the server control is rendered to the page?
• Load
• LoadComplete
• PreRender
• Init
55. Which of the following are true of using ADO.NET DataSets and DataTables?
• The connection to the database must remain valid for the life of the data objects
• All tables in a dataset must come from the same database.
• A given instance of a DataTable can be in only one DataSet
• Changes made to multiple tables within a DataSet can easily be transferred to a new DataSet which contains only the changes
56. In the following example, by which technique can the method Test in the derived class Cat access the implementation of MakeNoise in the base class?

Public Class Animal
Public Overridable Sub MakeNoise()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Cat
• Once overriden, the base class members are inaccessible from the derived class.
• Public Sub Test() Animal.MakeNoise() End Sub
• Public Sub Test() MyBase.MakeNoise() EndSub
• Public Sub Test() CType(Me, Animal).MakeNoise() End Sub
57. What is the result of Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}:{2}", CInt(2.5), CInt(1.5), Fix(1.5))?
• 2:2:2
• 3:2:2
• 3:2:1
• 2:2:1
58. Which of the following mechanisms are not suitable for returning a single row from a DataTable containing a large number of records?
• DataTable.Rows.Find
• DataTable.Rows.Select
• DataTable.Select
• Enumerating across DataTable.Rows
59. Which of the following is/are true about enums?
• Enums are always equated to an integral constant value
• A variable of the enum type will always contain one of the declared symbolic constant
• The declared values of an enum are always assigned a sequential starting with 0
• The declared values of an enum must be mapped (explicitly or implicitly) to unique integral values
60. The earliest event in which all viewstate information has been restored is:
• Init
• PreLoad
• Load
• PreRender
• Render
61. With which of the following are Declarative Databinding expressions delimited?
• <%# %>
• <%-- --%>
• <!-- -->
• <# >
62. Which of the following is true about exceptions?
• Exceptions should be derived from System.Exception, but are not required to do so.
• If no catch block is found for an exception, and the source is not a static constructor, a System.ThreadException will be thrown
• Mathematical errors such as divide by zero, or numeric overflow will generate an exception that is derived from System.Exception
• Every throw statement must have at least one catch block
63. DateTime Structures is suitable for which of the following applications?
• Applications that work with dates only.
• Applications that work with times only.
• Applications that work with abstract dates and times.
• All of the above
64. Which of the following statements are true about Passport Authentication?
• Passport authentication allows the users to create a single sign-in name and password to access any site that has implemented the Passport single sign-in (SSI) service
• Onces implementing the Passport SSI, you won't have to implement your own user-authentication mechanism.
• Passport authentication is a free service for all sites provided by the Microsoft Corporation.
65. When using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to format output, which of the following is/are true?
• Styles can be applied to all elements having the same CssClass attribute
• Styles can be applied to specific elements based on their ID attribute
• Styles can be applied to elements based on their position in a hierarchy
• Styles can be used to invoke script based code
• All of the above
66. Which of the following accurately describes the class structure when implementing an ASP.Net page which uses the CodeFile attribute?
• The actual instantiated class is the class defined in the CodeFile.
• The actual instantiated class is dynamically created and has a base class defined in the CodeFile.
• The actual instantiated class is dynamically created and has a member representing the class defined in the CodeFile.
• The actual instantiated class is dynamically created and is a co-class of the class defined in the CodeFile.
67. Which of the following is/are true regarding the use of Authentication to control access to the HTML file (.htm .html)?
• ASP.NET authentication can not be used to control access
• ASP.NET authentication handles these by default in a manner equivalent to .aspx pages
• The extension can be associated with aspnet_isapi.dll in IIS for the appropriate directory
• A custom HTTP Request processor must be installed to examine the URL's and determine the appropriate access rights.
68. Which of the following is a primary characteristic of the System.Xml.XmlDataDocument?
• It provides synchronized operations viewing the content either as an XmlDocument or as a DataSet
• It provides the basic abilities for XMLDocument instances to be created from or exported to DataSets
• It provides a limited set of capabilities compared to the System.Xml.XmlDocument class
• It provides the basic abilities to allow DataSets to be loaded from or exported to XML files.