Elance Technical Writing Test Answers 2015

Choose the best technical sentence from the following:
The exercise expedited energy expenditures.
The exercise caused the people to use more energy than they might have otherwise used in normal circumstances.
The exercise increased energy expenditures.
The exercise was increasing energy expenditures.

What is the most common way to present task-oriented instructions in written documentation?
Step-by-step instructions in numbered lists
In context-sensitive help
Step-by-step instructions in bulleted lists
Video demos

How does technical writing differ from expository writing?
Technical writing uses flowery language, whereas expository does not
Grammar and formatting are not important
Technical writing does not involve proving arguments
A conclusion does not need to be reached

When documenting a piece of software and referring to a particular feature, you should follow the spelling…
...used in the software's user interface.
...prescribed by your chosen dictionary.
...suggested by an applicable style guide.
...most commonly used by the target audience.

Where can explanatory information appear?
Below a step
Before the instructions
All of these
After the instructions

What does p.r.n. Stand for?
Per registered nurse
As needed
Per rectum

______ refers to the veracity of data, while _______ refers to the degree of exactness used in the measurements.
reliability; validity
accuracy; precision
intentional; incidental
precision; accuracy

Which voice should be used for explaining instructional steps?
First person
Second person

Which of the following is the equivalent of a hyperlink in written documentation?
An appendix
A cross reference
A glossary of terms

Which verb tense is most effective in technical writing?
Present progressive
Regular verbs
Present perfect

When technical writers talk about "single-source publishing," what do they mean?
Only one person or department source writes and maintains all the documentation.
It is the system that allows technical writers to write once, then use and re-use and deploy the same content in various formats, and even languages.
Writers convert paper manuals to online formats.
Software developers write explanatory documentation into their source codes.

Which of these is NOT a true statement about documents following a linear (paper) model?
They are designed to be read in their entirety.
The 'optimal' path through the information is not defined by the writer.
They are designed to be read sequentially.

What level of user will most likely read a technical white paper?
Rank novices with no prior knowledge
Intermediate to expert users

When dealing with a help guide on a computer, when a user presses F1 from a field, what kind of help does the user usually receive?
Two or three options to complete the task
Context-sensitive help
All of these

What is the FOG test?
The test for Forensic Ocular Graphing
A readability test
A test on fog density
A test to make sure your graphs are easily understood

What person is primarily responsible for editing a technical manual for style and grammar?
The quality assurance team
The programming team
All of these
The writer

What does a schematic illustrate?
Detailed instructions of how to use a product
How an object appears from different angles
The way in which something works
The feel of a product

Which of the following is the best way to summarize a list of software functions in written documentation?
Using Images
In a table

When writing a technical manual for software, what preliminary meetings are best to attend, if possible?
Software design meetings
Quality assurance meetings
Editorial review meetings
Management meetings

True or false? In order to be a technical writer, you must have a technical background.

What is a functional description?
A description that provides typical uses, details, and the purpose of the subject.
A description that provides warranty information on the subject.
A description that provides step-by-step details on using the subject.

Which of the following uses INCORRECT capitalization?
The tests were performed at Madison Square Garden.
The test concluded last Winter.
The test concluded last winter.
The scientist used a Bunsen burner to heat the compound.

What does "SME" refer to?
Systematic math entry
Scientific metric effect
Scientific method exercise
Subject-matter expert

What is a secondary source?
An interpretation of data from a primary source
The second group of people interviewed
Sources that are less relevant to your paper
The second resource referenced

Which of the following is correct?
The machine's principle component is the engine.
Both are correct
The machine's principal component is the engine.

Which of the following is NOT used to markup and/or style technical writing?

What portion of a manual addresses issues that can occur with the product?
Appendix section
Tech support section
Addendum section
Troubleshooting section

If the document relies heavily on technical terms, which of the following should be included?
An appendix
Glossary of Terms
A link to an online technical dictionary

Which of the following traits embody the ideal technical writing style?
Authoritative tone
All of these
Parallel sentence structure

As a general rule of thumb technical writers should use _______.
Active voice
Passive voice

What is RoboHelp?
A database of technical terms and tools
An HTML5 publishing tool
That paperclip from Word
A Python publishing tool

What is the purpose of a white paper?
To list the features of the product
To offer solutions to problems
All of these
To explain the product

What is the abstract?
A theoretical framework
A brief summary of the article
A conclusive statement
A dataset

What is cross-browser, cross platform compatibility?
Compatibility across multiple smart phones and computers
Compatibility across multiple technologies, operating systems, and browsers
Compatibility across PCs and Macs
Compatibility across multiple browsers

Suppose you are citing an author who is citing another author's work. Which author should you cite in your paper?
You should formally cite the author of the original experiment
You do not need to cite either author
You should formally cite both authors
You should formally cite the author you are actually reading

How many iterations of your original document will a technical writer generally be expected to write?
It depends on how many times the product changes
At least four interations
At least three iterations
At least two iterations

In the context of technical writing, what does SME typically stand for?
Source Material Engagement
Source Manager Evaluation
Subject Matter Error
Subject Material Error
Subject Matter Expert

Which of these is NOT an XML-based document format?

Which of the following is the best wording to appear in end user documentation?
If the program crashes…
If the program abends…
If the program shuts down unexpectedly…
If the program dies...

Which of the following is the most comprehensive definition of technical writing?
Creating a document designed for engineers
Documenting tasks, scenarios, and tools
Presenting complex information in an understandable manner
Presenting features and benefits in a difficult manner

When documenting an unfamiliar subject, which of the following people would be the best to consult?
Your manager
The subject-matter expert
The programmers
The marketers

Technical writing refers to:
All of these
Writing about technology
Explaining tech communication
Providing instructions on how to do something

Which is the proper way to express a temperature in Kelvin?
10 Kelvins
10˚ K
10 Kelvin
10 K

Why are quick-start guides popular?
All of these
They're cost effective
They reduce calls to tech support for initial setup
Customers want them and read them

Which of the following is the best procedure for testing documentation?
The beta testers completing the testing
The programmers and the QA team completing the testing
Working one's way through the documentation
Following a written test plan

What grammatical person is most often used in steps?
First person
Implied second person
Third person
Second person

What is the proper terminology for creating multiple outputs from one document?
All sourcing
Multiple sourcing
Single sourcing
Dual sourcing

True or false? It is always best to use complex technical terms because it makes the document more credible.

What form of style is most often used in software documentation?

Which of these are examples of technical writing?
Training manuals
White papers
All of these
Online help files

In addition to spelling, grammar, and punctuation, what should a technical writer also check in the document?
All of these

Which of the following is the most important step in writing an online help manual?
Testing the documentation against the program
Writing the steps
Planning the system
Testing the program