Elance Premiere Pro Test Answers

Is it possible to create a transition for audio clips in the timeline?




What panel would you use to activate keyframes for an effect property?

The Effect panel.
The Effect Controls panel.
The Keyframe Effects panel.
The Effect Properties panel.



What purpose does an alpha channel serve?

The alpha channel handles all information related to captions
It is the fourth channel that contains transparency information
The alpha channel handles all video label information
It handles all color information



What does the title safe area indicate?

Where titles can just be themselves
Where titles should not be
Where titles are safe from being clipped
Where titles go to die
Where titles are safe from the NYPD



What is the razor tool shortcut?




Is Photoshop compatible with Premier Pro?

No. If you open Photoshop with Premier Pro, it voids the warranty.
No. Photoshop will cause Premier Pro to crash.
Yes. Photoshop files are directly compatible and can be opened with Premier Pro.
No. By using Adobe Photoshop with Premier Pro, serious security breaches are occurring.



Is Premier Pro capable of editing high-definition media?

No. Premier Pro is limited to 720p compression
Yes, however it will cost extra to use it beyond 720p levels
Yes, but only in situations using 480p compression



What digital audio workstation is also compatible with Premier Pro?

Adobe Audition
Adobe Music Suite
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Lightroom 5



Which is used to cut a clip in the timeline into two separate clips?

Hand Tool
Pen Tool
Razor Tool
Zoom Tool
Split Tool



What is a dissolve?

Video Effect
Audio Effect
Video Transition
Audio Transition



What is the shortcut for the Razor Tool?

Alt (option) + L
Control + C
Alt (option) + C



If you wish to export video to various devices and web sites, what must you use?

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Audition
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Media Encoder



What kind of video editing software application is Adobe Premier Pro?

A timeline-based application.
A hard-line based application.
A baseline-based application.
A timezone-based application.



What does it mean to import a video?

It means that you are bringing your entire hard disk into your project
It means that you are bringing video files from a video tape into your project
It means that you are bringing video files from your project onto your hard disk
It means that you are bringing video files from your hard disk into your project



What is the difference between capturing and digitizing footage?

Capturing footage records it from the source, while digitizing converts analog video to digital format
Capturing footage downloads it from a source, while digitizing converts analog video to VHS
Capturing footage deletes it from the source, while digitizing converts high-definition video to analog format
Capturing footage restores it to the source, while digitizing converts high-definition video to beta max



If Title Safe Area is adjusted in the Project Settings dialogue box, what is being specified?

You are specifying the language settings of your video
You are specifying the caption limits of your video
You are specifying video playback speed
You are specifying the safe zone for titles so that they are not cut off by particular TV or monitor dimensions.



What is the quick key for the razor tool?

Shift + c



What is shortcut key for Add Marker ?




Can you add titles in Premiere?




When playing your project in the timeline. What can you do to improve real time play back?

switch to wire frame mode
render entire work area



How is a Source Monitor different than a Program Monitor?

The Source Monitor plays assembled clips, while the Program Monitor plays the clips you are deleting
The Source Monitor captures individual clips, while the Program Monitor deletes the clips you are assembling
The Source Monitor plays individual clips, while the Program Monitor plays the clips you are assembling
They play clips from the same place



How does a time ruler measure time?




Which tool can you use to drag the timeline view left and right?

Razor tool
Hand tool
Bucket tool
Slip tool
Zoom tool



Why are safe zones useful when considering margins in the Titler?

Safe zones are useful protection when deleting a portion of a recording
Safe zones are useful when editing for broadcast or videotape
Safe zones are useful when editing for radio
Safe zones are useful when capturing audio or returning videotapes



Which file is not Supported in Adobe Premier Pro?




What is the shortcut for the Razor Tool?




In the Capture Panel, which keys are used to step forward and back?

Up Arrow & Down Arrow
Page Up & Page Down
Left Arrow & Right Arrow
Enter & Ctrl + Enter



When you need the same level of transparency throughout a clip, where can it be adjusted?

The Transparency Controls panel.
The Transparency Composting menu.
The Transparency Effects menu.
The Effect Controls panel.



After selecting one or more sequences you wish to nest, what steps must be followed to complete the operation?

Middle-click on the selected Nests and select Delete
Right-click on the selected Nest and select Go
Left-click on the selected clips and select Nest
Right-click on the selected clips and select Nest



Can a clip be exported to videotape?

Yes. However your camcorder or VTR must be supported
Yes, however you must rent a special VTR from Adobe
No. Videotapes are outdated
No. Camcorders and VTRs are not supported



How do you break stereo sound into mono sound?

Select a file with 5.1 surround or stereo audio. Then, choose Clip > Breakout Options > Video To Mono
Select a file with 5.1 surround or stereo audio. Then, choose Clip > Audio Options > Breakout To Mono
Select a file with mono sound. Then, choose Clip > Audio Options > Breakout To Stereo
Select a file with 5.1 surround or stereo audio. Then, choose VHS > Audio Tape > Breakout To Stereo



If you suspect that your capture is dropping frames, what must you do to confirm this?

Disable Show Dropped Frame Indicator in the panel menu or settings menu.
Enable Show Dropped Frame Indicator in the panel menu or settings menu.
Enable the Frame Initiator in the panel menu or settings menu.
Enable Show Direct Frame Indicator in the panel menu or settings menu.



Where does Premiere Pro open projects by default?

In another program
In the current workspace
In a new window
In a closed workspace



What is the default short cut key for the razor tool?




Which contains common tools used for editing clips in the timeline?

Tool box
Hand tool
Selection tool
Menu box
Zoom tool



In the Project Manager window, the option to include handles would do what?

Specify the number of frames to be included at the beginning and end of a clip for the sake of minor editing
Specify the number of videos to be included at the beginning and end of a file for the sake of minor editing
Specify the quality of sound to be encoded in a project for the sake of minor editing



Where does an asset appear after it is obtained?

In the Movie panel
In the Asset panel
In the Project panel
In the Panel project



When you are mixing audio, what are you doing?

Blending video in a specific sequence
Recording one audio clip over another
Blending audio in a specific sequence
Mixing an audio track with a video track



Where do you view keyframes?

The Effect Controls panel.
The Panel Controls menu
TheControls Effect panel
The Keyframe Controls panel



How do you create a new project?

Select Project > New > File
Select File > Project
Select File > New > Project
File > New > Select > Project



What does the tilde (~) key do?

Saves File
Undocks a panel
Maximises Panels



Which of these is used to create control (anchor) points?

Hand Tool
Pen Tool
Slip Tool
Zoom Tool
Selection Tool



What is the default shortcut to Quick Render the timeline?

Ctrl (Cmd) Enter
Ctrl (Cmd) Space



What are dropped frames?

Dropped frames are frames that have been recorded, or captured twice
Dropped frames are frames that have been encrypted, and compressed
Dropped frames are frames that have not been selected for the final project
Dropped frames are frames that have not been recorded, or captured



Which effect is accelerated by CUDA in Premier Pro?

Warp Stabilizer
CUDA Stabilizer
CUDA Warpilizer
Warp Cudilizer



What text formatting can be changed in the Titler panel?

Font, font effects, and title alignment
Font, font style, and type alignment
Font, font style, and type assignment
Font, font shape, and type alignment



When sorting icons in Icon view, what does the “User Order” sort option allow?

It allows users to sort icons in an order specified in the panel menu
It allows users to sort icons in an order specified in the user preferences file
It allows users to sort icons in an order specified in the configuration file
It allows users to sort icons in any order they wish via drag and drop



What is the shortcut for the Rolling Edit tool?




What is the shortcut for the Rolling Edit tool?




If you wanted to include buttons in your title, where would you select them?

The Title Actions panel
The Button Actions panel
The Panel Actions menu
The Titler panel



Which of these is not included in the project panel?

All of these
Set post frame
Thumbnail viewer
Play/stop thumbnail



Capture shortcut is?




When choosing meta data to display in the Project panel menu, what types can you choose from?

Natural, Text, Real, Boolean
Integer, Text, Real, Operator
Integer, Text, Real, Aristotelian
Integer, Text, Real, Boolean



What is the keyboard shortcut to go to in point?

Control + i
Option + i
Cmd + i
Shift + i



What is the hotkey to set the work area bar In point?

Ctrl + I
Alt + ]
Alt + [
Shift + Ctrl + ]



What is an example of a Fixed effect?




What is an example of a GPU accelerated effect?

Brightness & Contrast



When using the keying technique, what is being defined regarding a transparency?

Contrast value, or sharpness value
Contrast value, or brightness value
Color value, or brightness value
Contrast transparency, or brightness value



When you dock a panel, where has it been placed?

Below an existing group
Adjacent to the existing group
On top of an existing group
Inside an existing group



What is the Shortcut for the Slip Tool?




When exporting from Final Cut Pro and importing to Premier Pro, what must happen to the source project before the import?

It must be exported
It must be deleted
It must be opened
It must be closed



What is the shortcut for the Ripple Edit Tool?




Which of these methods zooms in and out of the timeline?

Hold Ctrl and Scroll on the timeline
Hold Alt and Scroll on the timeline
Scroll the timeline
Hold Shift and Scroll on the timeline



How many Label colors are in Preferences?




How many Marker types are available?




What is the keyboard shortcut for an Insert?




When changing sequence settings, do they apply to the whole sequence?

No. Sequence settings can be divided as needed
No. Just for the sequence you're working on
Yes, and they cannot be changed after a sequence is created
Yes, but they can be changed after a sequence is created



What provides information about nonspatial keyframes?

Information graphs.
Performance graphs.
Value graphs.
Keyframe graphs.



Can you export clips to standard EDL files?

No, however they can be converted to project files.
Yes, but they have to be converted first.
No. Only project files.
No, however you can export them to Adobe Photoshop, then back to Premier Pro as EDL files.



How to change Sequence Name?

Can not Change Sequence Name
Go to Clip > Rename
Go to File > Sequence > Rename
Go to Sequence > Rename
Go to Edit > Sequence > Rename



When does audio appear in a clip trimmed for a split edit?

After its video
Before its video
During its video
Before the trimmed audio



Which method allows you to scroll up and down the layers in the timeline?

Hold Ctrl and scroll with the mouse wheel over the timeline
Hold Shift and scroll with the mouse wheel over the timeline
Hold Alt and scroll with the mouse wheel over the timeline
Scroll the mouse wheel over the timeline